MATRIXSYNTH: BS-16i on iPad + Korg MicroX + Midi Mobilizer Line6

Thursday, September 23, 2010

BS-16i on iPad + Korg MicroX + Midi Mobilizer Line6

YouTube via mvpadrini | September 23, 2010

"O app BS-16i permite carregar arquivos SounfFount e tocá-los com seu teclado virtual na tela ou por meio de um controlador MIDI tradicional, utilizando a interface Midi Mobilizer Line6.

Outro recurso interessante do app é transformar o iPad ou iPhone em um controlador MIDI bastante funcional.

Neste vídeo mostro a possibilidade de integração entre o BS-16i no iPad e qualquer outro equipamento Midi, nestes caso um pequeno teclado Korg MicroX.

Confira mais sobre apps musicais para iOS e outros dispositivos móveis em

With the BS-16i app you can load your favorite SoundFont files and play them using the virtual keyboard on the screen or a traditional MIDI controller, using the Line6 MIDI Mobilizer.

Another very interesting feature about BS-16i app is that you can use your iPhone/iPad as a very functional MIDI controller.

In this video I'm showing how great is to combine the BS-16i and another MIDI equipment, in this case the small keyboard KORG MicroX.

More about Music Apps on

If you are an app developer and want to have a review about your musical app in portuguese, please contact us:"
iPads on Ebay
iPod Touch on Ebay
Line 6 MIDI Mobilizer on Ebay

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