Monday, December 12, 2011


via this auction
bluelantern (RSS)
Update: See this post. Also see the comments of this post below and the comments of this post.

"Dual Zero Thru VCO on a Pro Front Panel Express Panel. This is capable of doing some deep FM Bell-ish, and Metal sounds. This is a great alternative to the very hard to get and super long waiting list cyndustries zeroscillator. I offer (2) VCO's at a great price. This was my own self made Prototype. Here is a video [later posted] of the same circuit board but on a Gold panel. I decided to keep the gold ones and sell this fancy FPE Proto to those that have been dreaming of Zero Thru VCO's for there Euro FOrmat case.

The PCB board itself is Pro CNC made and will last a very long time.

Here are the specs:

(2) Expo 1v/oct PCV inputs

WAVES: Triangle, Sine, SAW

(1) Varible Sync Input with Knob
(2) FM LINEAR INPUTS, (1) Of them is selectable by switch (AC or DC)

Controls: (1) Tune Knob, (1) Fine Tune Knob, (1) Varible Sync, (1) Zero Thru Folder control

This will come with (2) IDC Euro Format Ribbon cables. They are 10pin to 16pin IDC type..."


  1. dude copied Ian Fritz' Teezer design, what a hack..:( poorly implemented at that. come up with your own designs, stop ripping people off.

  2. Howcome you spend big money on a front panel express panel but don't align your jacks properly?

    Even the texts differ between the two VCOs "FM 2" versus "FM2"

  3. The teezer does not use any regulators, I see (2) on the upper top left. Maybe it was influenced by, or you sure it even is? You speak as if anyone of the modern analog designs have not used a moog, buchla, serge, etc, influenced design.
    Hahaha, what a bunch of sore haters.

  4. from muffs thread: "The way the 5v references are achieved is taken from Rene's schematic. The Core VCO is from Ian frijitz"

    the dude got a pcb from bridechamber, "studied" the schematic then copied the core, which is wholly original...find my comments there if you're so inclined. I'm sure neither one of you care :D

  5. Looks like all he did was replace the stable precision reference devices with cheap IC regulators. Wonder what else he screwed up?

    Please don't buy this.


  6. An update via Blue Lantern on Muff's:

    "I will tell you more about the Blue ZT VCO.
    Here are the facts:

    1. All components on the Blue ZTVCO are SMD, literally all of them.
    2. The OTA used is NJM13700, modern component
    3. This is not a clone, this vco is a beast in it's own cage. This has Square waves and Varible Skew waves.
    4. It will retail for $295.00 each (EURO MODULE)
    5. This is not a DIY project.

    The $600.00 price that is mentioned was from an auction, I have no control of the out come. I started the bid at $400.00 for (2) units in one Panel. To a DIY person that is expensive, to a person that design's sound for a living it is just like buying another tool and not expensive. But who cares? is my point... I sold (1) item that I built and no longer need.

    That was a DIY prototype called 'GREEN VCO'. Many suggested not to use Old hard to get parts any more. So I took that advice and started from scratch and went a whole new direction.

    BLUE ZTVCO was born & is the affordable future.

    It is funny how fast I am considered a threat and that I must be shut down pronto, because of the delays experienced by others. Let the quality speak for itself.

    I look forward to t the new Euro-tweezer release and like mentioned above," let the users decide which is better" (and at what $$$)."


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