MATRIXSYNTH: New York School of Synthesis - Intro to Synthesis

Friday, January 06, 2012

New York School of Synthesis - Intro to Synthesis

Intro to Synthesis Part 1 - The Building Blocks of Sound & Synthesis

YouTube Uploaded by matrixsynth on Jan 4, 2012
Videos for parts 2 and 3 further below.

Update2: Dean also wrote The Complete Guide to Synthesizers, Sequencers & Drum Machines (on Amazon here).

Update: Details on how to get your own New York School of Synthesis T-shirt here!

Also see: The Yamaha DX7 II FD D Video Manual by The N.Y. School of Synthesis

Dean Friedman of New York School of Synthesis back in the day. This is a great intro to sound synthesis. Currently Dean is an indie recording artist with a slew of international chart hits and critically acclaimed albums to his credit. You can see what he's currently up to on his website and his YouTube channel

I want to thank Dean Friedman for giving me the permission to put these up and swissdoc for sending them.

Dean Friedman on Wikipedia - be sure to see his full bio for his musical accomplishments. The following is just a portion pertaining to his book on synthesis, the "New York School of Synthesis", and this video:

"In 1985, Friedman produced a seminal work on the newly emerging synthesizer industry called Complete Guide to Synthesizers, Sequencers, and Drum Machines. Whilst dated, this tome is still of use in evaluating devices that crop up on the second-hand market. Friedman also set up the "New York School of Synthesis" and provided a series of videos entitled Intro to Synthesis'. Friedman presents the rudiments of this topic in an audio-visual format, whilst incorporating a unique sense of humor." Note the videos must be from 1988 or later as they reference the Korg M1. Thanks goes to Caixa in the comments for catching this.

You can find Dean's website here:

Synth Trivia: At the end of the video the credits mention the synths were provided by The Music Connection in Happinger Falls, N.Y. I did a quick search on them and nothing came up.

Note: I added a link to this post in both the Synth Books and Synth Movies sections. There's actually two copies of Complete Guide to Synthesizers, Sequencers, and Drum Machines on Amazon [link] at the time of this post.

Intro to Synthesis Part 2 - Types of Synthesis & Programming Examples

Intro to Synthesis Part 3 - Additional Synth Features, Performance Controls & Wrap Up


  1. Date: 1985? At 3:30 he references the Korg M1 which wasn't out till 1988.

  2. Thanks! Post updated. I misread the description from Wikipedia. They were only referencing the guide in regards to the date.

  3. i badly want that tshirt

  4. Excellent video. Thanks!

  5. excellent.....I love it :-)

  6. That t-shirt is fecking beautiful man. Please, ask the man to give life to it again and sell it on his website. It would sell like hot cakes.

  7. I let Dean know there is interest in the Ts. He said he'll look for the original artwork and will let me know if he finds it.

  8. Super informative & brilliant odd humour - what else could you want!

  9. I love the series and the DX7II instructional video. I am disagreeing with the "seven main components" of a synthesizer (I would identify only five or less), but that's besides the point. Still one of the best synthesizer academic information available anywhere.

  10. Awesome , i learn most than others guys.Thank you.

  11. I've been looking for some training in sound synthesis. Luckily I came across this. Surprised I haven't stumbled on it before. This is amazing. I can't thank enough Dean Friedman who produced this VHS back in the day, and Matrixsynth, who has gone through the trouble to upload it digitally to the internet. Hats off


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