MATRIXSYNTH: Kebu - To Jupiter and Back (Album trailer - full HD)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kebu - To Jupiter and Back (Album trailer - full HD)

YouTube Uploaded by kebunator on Mar 26, 2012
Synth spotting via Sebastian Teir on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

"You can now pre-order my album for only 10 euro/dollars!! This offer will expire on the release date - 2 May 2012. The CD will be shipped to you so that you should receive it by the Finnish release date. Shipping 2 euro/dollars shipping!

Finally, my debut album is ready!! This album is a tribute to the great synthesizer music that I grew up with of artists such as Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, and Mike Oldfield. The album consists of music made only using vintage analog synthesizers recorded in the old fashioned way using only sequencers, tape machines and analog mixers, which gives the album a very warm and organic sound.

My album will be released on the Secret Entertainment label as a digipack CD and mp3 downloads. The Finnish release date is 2.5.2012 and the international release date is 8.6.2012."

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