MATRIXSYNTH: Introducing Glitchmachines CONVEX

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Introducing Glitchmachines CONVEX

Glitchmachines CONVEX - Intro & Quickstart Video Published on Jan 20, 2015 Glitchmachines

Glitchmachines CONVEX - Walkthrough Video

"Convex is a multi-effects processor designed to facilitate the creation of contorted artifacts, syncopated patterns and skewed digital textures. Based around three classic effects; multimode filter, pitch shifter and delay, Convex generates dynamic variations of the input signal by morphing between two instances of each effect and modulating their key parameters using an extensive array of control modules.

Driving its core are 4 LFOs with optional tempo sync and 2 envelope followers which can have their output inverted or combined using mixers and multipliers. Convex features 100 factory presets from Ivo Ivanov, Thomas Hennebert, Nicholas Yochum, Daed and Subjex. From mellow dub delays to mind-blowing glitch sequences, Convex will bring a broad range of exciting effects to your audio arsenal.

Convex is available now for $29"

"Convex is a multi-effects processor designed to facilitate the creation of contorted artifacts, syncopated patterns and skewed digital textures. Based around three classic effects; multimode filter, pitch shifter and delay, Convex generates dynamic variations of the input signal by morphing between two instances of each effect and modulating their key parameters using an extensive array of control modules.

Driving its core are 4 LFOs with optional tempo sync and 2 envelope followers which can have their output inverted or combined using mixers and multipliers. Convex features 100 factory presets from Ivo Ivanov, Thomas Hennebert, Nicholas Yochum, Daed and Subjex. From mellow dub delays to mind-blowing glitch sequences, Convex will bring a broad range of exciting effects to your audio arsenal."

Dual Multimode Filters
Dual Pitch Shifters
Dual Digital Delays
Dual Envelope Followers
Two Signal Mixers, Multipliers and Inverters
4 LFOs with Retrig, Sync and variable shapes
100 Factory Presets from our top sound designers
Cross-platform compatibility (PC/Mac – VST/AU 32bit & 64bit)

For more info visit:"

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