MATRIXSYNTH: Introducing the LAB:1 Synthesizer by Artificial Noise

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Introducing the LAB:1 Synthesizer by Artificial Noise

Published on Feb 2, 2016 Artificial Noise
"The first Demo video of the Artificial Noise LAB:1 Synthesizer."

Artificial Noise has introduced the LAB:1 Synthesizer. What might initially appear to be a drone synthesizer, is actually capable of a bit more. Be sure to listen to the SoundCloud demos above. Note this is the first Artificial Noise post on the site.

The following are the details on the LAB:1 Synthesizer (you'll find a link further below):

"100% Analog 6 Oscillator Experimental Synthesizer

3 Audio Frequency Oscillators with Triangle, Sawtooth and Square waveforms

3 Low Frequency Oscillators with Triangle and Square waveforms

Switches to X-Mod Oscillator One with Oscillator Two, and X-Mod Oscillator Two with Oscillator Three

Switches to Modulate LFO One with LFO Two, and Modulate LFO Two with LFO Three

Audio Oscillators can be free running or can be triggered via Buttons on the front of the unit.

Level/Depth and Frequency Pots for each Oscillator

Solid Oak End caps and metal case.

Designed to sound thick and raw with little regard for stability and "clean" waveforms, expect to explore strange audio territories with the LAB:1.

Powerful modulating drones to melodic rhythm sequences to spacey sound effects to total audio chaos.

Easy to use with with all controls available at hand but hard to restrain by nature, the LAB:1 is for those who welcome the unexpected.

Works great as a stand alone composition tool or used to generate new sounds for a sampler.

List price $300 (plus shipping).

Available for presale at

Artificial Noise is a maker of strange sound makers. A small company based in Winnipeg Canada, it exists to design weird gear for synth-heads and experimenters."

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