Monday, June 20, 2016


Published on Jun 20, 2016 AudioCentralMagazine

"The crystal clear ER-100 8 Channel Audio Mixer from Arrel Audio is the first Euro Rack module entirely conceived by Livio Argentini (guru of professional analog consolles) and Marco Re (from University Tor Vergata in Rome). Eight channel of transparent audio connected to separate outs of TR-808, Dark Energy under Dark Time Control. Stereo Insert is connected to TC Electronic Flashback Delay. No musical value on this video, just channel level over channel level over channel level."

Product description in Googlish via ARREL.

"The ARREL Eurorack Audio Stereo Summing Mixer is an adder by the high quality of sound that responds to many of the needs of modern users of modules and synth Eurorack. The ER-100 circuits are designed deriving them from the professional audio Kingdom of ARREL Audio ensure the highest sonic performance.

L 'ER-100 uses the line transformer output enabling an output level of about 10 dB higher than that of traditional Eurorack modules. The innuscita Use of line transformers also means a more reliable connection in terms of the possibility of imbalance and elimination of ground loops problems. L 'ER-100 has 8 channels of input and a stereo output bus.

Each channel has a pan pot control, volume, and the button only in place, pressing more buttons for only those channels will be added simultaneously output. L 'unit has a stereo insert selectable on the output bus. Its monitor section, has volume control L / R, and is also an auxiliary input provided to monitor the output of a DAC or CD. The level of the stereo output and displayed on a VU meter LED."

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