MATRIXSYNTH: severence // electron tunnel patch

Sunday, April 23, 2017

severence // electron tunnel patch

Published on Apr 23, 2017 severence

"vacuum tube noise soundscapes

// patch notes

make noise maths ch4 unity - verbos electronics bark filter processor 3.7k
make noise maths eoc - make noise rene x clk
make noise maths eoc - verbos electronics bark filter processor 7.7k
make noise maths eoc - verbos electonics random sampling quantized randoms trig
make noise maths inv - ssf positronic transient gate in b
make noise maths or - verbos electronics bark filter processor tilt
make noise maths sum - ssf positronic transient gate in a
make noise maths sum - verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass cv b

make noise rene cv - metasonix r54 pitch cv b

metasonix r52 audio output - metasonix r54 audio input

metasonix r54 audio output - addac802 (b) in1
metasonix r54 audio output - schippmann omega-phi fm

metasonix r56 mix out - addac802 (a) in1

schippmann omega-phi omega saw - verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass in
schippmann omega-phi omega sin - metasonix r56 audio input

ssf positronic transient gate postgain a - metasonix r56 feedback
ssf positronic transient gate postgain b - metasonix r56 drive

ssf ultra random analog r-pulse out - make noise maths ch4 trig
ssf ultra random analog r-pulse out - ssf ultra random analog ext clk
ssf ultra random analog sample out b - verbos electonics random sampling fluctating randoms cv2 rate
ssf ultra random analog sample out b - wmd/ssf spo in2a
ssf ultra random analog toggle ab out - verbos electronics bark filter processor center

verbos electronics bark filter processor all filters - addac802 (a) in3
verbos electronics bark filter processor env follower all - schippmann omega-phi fm depth
verbos electronics bark filter processor env follower 1 - metasonix r52 res cv
verbos electronics bark filter processor env follower 9 - verbos electronics dual four pole res cv

verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass out - metasonix r52 audio input
verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass out - metasonix r52 sweep cv
verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass out - verbos electronics bark filter processor odds in

verbos electonics random sampling fluctuating random cv2 - verbos electronics bark filter processor width
verbos electonics random sampling fluctuating random cv2 - wmd/ssf spo in 1a
verbos electonics random sampling quantized randoms n+1 - schippmann omega-phi 1v/oct
verbos electonics random sampling quantized randoms 2n - verbos electronics dual four pole lowpass cv a

wmd/ssf spo out1 - addac802 (b) cv1
wmd/ssf spo out1 - addac802 (b) cv3
wmd/ssf spo out2 - schippmann omega-phi 0.5v/oct

// desk effects

eventide space"

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