MATRIXSYNTH: Custom Wood Case for Behringer Model-D and Arturia Keystep by Torsten Update

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Custom Wood Case for Behringer Model-D and Arturia Keystep by Torsten Update

This is a follow-up to this post. The custom case by Torsten is now complete and will be shipping in July/August for those interested.

"The first 10 Behringer Model-D cases will be manufactured in July 2018. Shipping end of July / beginning of August. Cases can be already pre-ordered for 279 $ + 79 $ shipping.

A beautiful hand crafted wooden housing made out of high quality Multiplex for Arturia KeyStep and Behringer Model D. The case is custom-made in a small carpenter’s workshop here in Qatar. The design is leaned towards the original Minimoog Model D but in a much smaller shape. Like the original, the housing of the synthesizer- and eurorack modules can be fold down."


  1. can you slip in a few euro modules on the side for fun?

  2. Hi, I'm interested buying one of these units if they are available. Thanks, Chris

  3. Hi Are you still building these?


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