MATRIXSYNTH: Meet ZOA // a new 3D soft silicone controller for your synths!

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Meet ZOA // a new 3D soft silicone controller for your synths!

Published on May 6, 2019 DivKidVideo

"This is a very early prototype ZOA soft silicon 3D haptic controller with MIDI/USB/CV outputs for interaction modulation of your music/synth devices be those Eurorack, semi modular, DAW etc.

YES the outputs of the step, I'm speaking to the designer(s) with some feedback.

It feels strange and wonderful at the same time, hence wanting to share a quick video with it."




The Zoa has a palm-sized, gesture sensitive, soft interface made of silicone and it can be used as an add-on to any keyboard synthesizers.

It functions like a multi-dimensional modulation wheel: it has three axes that can be mapped to the parameters of any DAW software. The interface feels natural and provides a unique way to modulate sound.

Although the controller has built-in interactions, it can also learn user-defined interactions. This way, the controller can provide a fully personalised experience.

1 comment:

  1. Aside from 3DConnexion having been making the SpaceMouse for a number of years now, this "haptic 3D" controller only makes me think of having something womanly to fondle during long sessions.


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