MATRIXSYNTH: Free Brooklyn Synth Expo to Showcase the New Synths Released at Superbooth

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Free Brooklyn Synth Expo to Showcase the New Synths Released at Superbooth

If you are in area you do not want to miss this event. This might be the final announcement, so be sure to bookmark this post if you need to get back to it. The press release follows:

"Brooklyn, NYC - Thanks to the 6th edition of the Brooklyn Synth Expo, on June 8-9 synth fans in the NYC area will have the opportunity to catch up with many of the new synthesizers launched at Berlin's Superbooth 2019 - and buy them at a discount, if they so wish!

The Synth Expo is a free, strictly in-the-headphones synth showcase and marketplace smack in the middle of the NYC scene, featuring a heavy guitar pedal component through the embedded sister event the Brooklyn Stompbox Exhibit. The show represents a unique opportunity to get new electronic gear at a discount through the participating vendors.

Workshop and Presentations about Synthesis, Eurorack and more
After last year's record breaking attendance of 2,500 musicians, this year the event organizers have decided to add an educational component consisting in a series of presentations and workshops in an adjacent room.

The schedule can be found here, and its highlights include a performance by Lisa Bella Donna, a panel on MPE curated by ROLI and Sensel, Synthesis classes organized by Yamaha and, and a series of Eurorack workshop organized by STEM Modular.

Growing Presence of Eurorack, Controllers and Virtual Synths
This year's show features 80+ vendors and over 500 devices to play with, with a growing presence of Eurorack, Controller and Virtual Synth manufacturers.

As usual, there will be plenty of deals on synths and pedals, and also the opportunity to sell and exchange synths through the presence of legendary New Jersey synth store Three Wave Music.

The event is free but requires RSVP, all info can be found here."

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