MATRIXSYNTH: Dannysound MM VCA // Classic Moog style VCA in Eurorack

Friday, July 26, 2019

Dannysound MM VCA // Classic Moog style VCA in Eurorack

Published on Jul 26, 2019 DivKidVideo

"Here we have the Dannysound MM VCA which is a 6HP VCA with two internal VCAs for multiple modulation points based on the classic Moog Minimoog Model D. The MM VCA offers soft clip saturation and wave shaping of the inputs boosting the fundamental and warming the low end while either adding harmonics to simple tones or removing harmonics from complex ones. This VCA is great for AM synthesis and I take the time to fully explore that in the video. Skip around with the index before and I hope you get some ideas for ways to use VCAs around your system.

More info + store page with Thonk -


00:00 hello and video previews

00:39 Feature run down, what is the MM VCA?

02:14 Expressive dynamics with multiple CVs

03:17 A detailed look at wave shaping and AM synthesis

06:59 Snappy VCA response

08:15 Chaotic CV processing

09:12 Dual tremolo

10:04 Gnarly synthesis with folding an AM synthesis.

11:16 Expanding Moog(ish) bass tones

**THIS VIDEO IS SPONSORED BY THONK** By sponsoring this video they get a demo video. Neither Thonk or Dannysound have any control over what I chose to say, patch or make in the video. Any questions you're welcome to ask."

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