MATRIXSYNTH: Black Corporation Introduces RACHEL - 2nd Module Inspired by the Yamaha CS80 & Deckard's Dream

Monday, August 19, 2019

Black Corporation Introduces RACHEL - 2nd Module Inspired by the Yamaha CS80 & Deckard's Dream

Black Corporation shared a pic of their next module based on their Deckard's Dream, Yamaha CS80 inspired polysynth. While Deckard's Voice is based on the  This one is based on the Ring mod section of the core sound engine (VCO, Noise, VCF, ENV, & LFO sections), RACHEL is based on the Ring Mod section.  Anyone that has been fortunate enough to play with a Yamaha CS80, CS50, or CS60, knows the ring mod is where a bit of the magic that sets it apart from other synths, happens. CV patching for integration with other synths and modules should take functionality to a new level. What's interesting is if the Ring Mod section on Yamaha's synths is mono in the sense of all voices go through one shared ring mod, this would be an affordable way to add ring mod to any of your synths. This one might be super interesting as a separate effects pedal as well.

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