MATRIXSYNTH: New Synthetic Sound Labs in Conjunction with Division-6 Buchla Format 3650 Digital Sequencer

Friday, June 12, 2020

New Synthetic Sound Labs in Conjunction with Division-6 Buchla Format 3650 Digital Sequencer

"Synthetic Sound Labs has just released its new 3650 Digital Sequencer module – SSL’s first venture into the popular Buchla 200e format – and is in close collaboration with the folks at Division-6.

Simple operation and straightforward functions make the 3650 easy to learn, and the concise panel graphics avoid menu-diving syndrome.

The 3650 has 5 song memories to string up to 16 sequences together, and 7 sequence memories with up to 16 steps per sequence.

Sequences of up to 16 steps are easily programmed using the built-in keyboard and octave switches, covering a range of 5 octaves. A separate Accent output pulse is available which can be selected for each of the steps, allowing triggering of other sequencers, envelopes, etc.

Sequences can be set to any length up to 16 steps by using LOOP feature. Setting a step using the REST button, holds previous pitch and doesn’t fire PULSE out, while setting a step to SLUR, changes to the new CV and doesn’t fire the PULSE out.

The keyboard can be used to “Live” transpose a running sequence, or as a tiny CV keyboard while in Standby mode without altering the programmed sequence.

The 3650 has a convenient internal clock, but external clocks are recommended to allow the greatest timing flexibility.

The ACC (ACCessory / ACCent) output can be programmed into each step and has 3 operating modes. The ACC output can also be used to output the internal clock, but not at the same time.

The Pulse Output has 16 different width timing options, including 3 different ratchets.

The Start Input resets the sequencer to step #1. It also puts it in run mode if it is not already. The End Output sends a gate pulse when a running sequence drops off the end (goes past 16 or hits a LOOP step). The Start Input and End Output can work together to allow easy cascading of two or more 3650s.

The SSL 3650 is an easy to use sequencer with powerful features not available in many other modules of it’s kind.
SSL uses quality fiberglass-epoxy printed circuit boards, precision automated robotics and meticulous hand-crafted assembly assure years of trouble-free service.

Synthetic Sound Labs has been in the analog synthesizer business since 1973. The 3650 is yet another in SSL’s growing line of new synthesizer modules. Proudly made in the USA.

Pricing is $495 US and available exclusively through NoiseBug, Pomona, CA."

3650 Specifications at a glance:

- 12 “Keyboard”
- Octave Up / Down
- Step (Tempo) Up / Down - Play / Pause
- Rest / Slur / 1X
- Loop / Xpos
- Acc / Edit
- Reset / Prog

Panel Indicators
- 16 Orange Step LEDs
- Red switch LEDs for Octave, Note, Play/Pause, Rest/Slur, Loop and Acc
- Orange Clock LED


Panel Power Size
- Clock In (External clock input)
- Start In (for multi-sequencer expansion)

High quality 0.062” brushed, anodized aluminum. Durable blue silk screened graphics.

Standard Buchla power connector w/flying leads. +15vdc @ 16 ma.

7.0” H x 4.25” W x ~1.25” D

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