Saturday, June 13, 2020

Robaux 3PT


"The Robaux 3PT is a multimode three-channel control voltage generator."

And a demo from Synth Diy Guy:

"I make a song using this cool Cyclops of a multimode modulation source on every track!"

via Robaux

"The module offers seven different modes. These include a performance tool, chord generator, random generator, quantizer, sequencer or LFO. The modes can be changed by pressing the mode button in the top right. The ring-shaped display shows which mode has been selected.

In Tripot mode you can control three parameters of your Eurorack with just one knob - perfect for live performances. You can set the voltage of the large knob individually for each channel. Whether from 0V to 5V, 5V to 0V or something in between. With the offset parameter you can determine whether the change is parallel to the big knob or whether it is moved to the beginning or the end. You can use the CV input with an external CV source instead of the big knob.

In LFO mode you can use the module as a triple modulation oscillator. The big knob sets the main frequency. Each channel has an adjustable frequency multiplier. You can blend smoothly between sine, triangle, sawtooth and rectangle and shift the phase of each waveform. You can use the CV input with an external CV source instead of the big knob.

Chord Progression
In chord progression mode, you can output triads. Connect it to a CV keyboard and play harmonious chords. You can select the root note between C to B and set the mode between major and minor. The seven matching chords are placed on the white keys of an octave. With the variation control you can spread the notes. For each channel you can set whether the notes are quantized within an octave and also set a note offset to generate atonal chords.

In the quantizer mode you can use the module to quantize incoming notes on up to 25 different scales. Connect a CV keyboard and you will always hit the perfect key! Each channel can use a different root key and scale. The individual scales are divided into five banks. In each bank there are five different scales. It takes some practice to find the right scale, but it is a great way to quantize CV on notes.

Random Generator
You can use the module as a random generator. Plug in a trigger signal to generate three different random voltages. You can set the minimum and maximum random voltage per channel. The voltages can be output linear, or as notes in the scales chromatic, major and minor.

You can use the module as a step sequencer. Connect a clock source and let the sequencer play melodies with up to 8 steps. You can set the note values from trimmer 1 all the way clockwise to trimmer 4. The middle trimmer 5 defines the length of the sequence. The sequencer outputs the linear voltage on channel one. The voltages are output chromatically on channels two and three. The sequence will be split if you reduce the number of steps and output separately on channel two and channel three.

Euclidean Rhythm
You can also use the module as an euclidean rhythm generator. Add a clock source to the CV input and the tripot will output trigger signals. You can define per channel how long the sequence should be and how many pulses are sent in this time. With the rotation parameter you can move the sequence in time."

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