Wednesday, July 08, 2020

STROH FULL PANEL SYSTEM (4U boat) 2020 Silver

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"I'm selling one full 4U "boat" / panel synthesizer. This is likely the last full panel synth that I will be building. (I will be continuing to build LW format modules going forward.) This panel runs on +/-12V via 4-pin XLR compatible with Random*Source power standards. This is electrically compatible with Serge, Loudest Warning, and other 4U/banana formats, though a bit of scaling may be necessary in some cases for CV ranges.

Here is a list of the functions/features of each section. Some are completely new (to my lineup) and may be available as PCBs at some point in the near future.

Clock & Divide - This is a full 1V/Oct VCO with range switch. It has a 0-5V unipolar sawtooth output (handy when connecting with Serge). It has a Sync input, and then the following Clock-pulse outputs. Clock, Div/2, Div/3, Div/4.

Bit Station - This is a slightly enhanced version of my usual Bit Station configurations. It can output pseudo-random and random (to 8-bit resolution) CVs. It can output pitched digital noise when clocked at audio rates. It will output analog white noise. The Data Input is an adjustable-threshold comparator (big knob controls it). Patch in waveforms, white noise, etc. to be processed by the internal digital shift register. The serial output is the logic-level data output of the shift register (can be used for random gates, etc.) There is also an XOR logic section which can also be used as a ring modulator.

2X SSI-Oscillators - These are standard, full-featured, precise VCOs. They use the SSI-2164 for exponential conversion, so no matched-pair-tempco-resistor circuit. They have hard sync, linear FM, Pulse Width Modulation, and saw, tri, pwm, and sine outputs.

Dual Angle - This is two Angle Generators. (Linear Slope Envelope/LFO modules) They work in Attack/Decay, or Attack/Release (switched) and either One Shot or Cycle modes. They also output an end of Cycle pulse for triggering other things, or retriggering for more complex shapes.

Reso-Gates - This is two resonant Low Pass Gates. Controls are Cutoff, CV-1 Level, and Resonance. There is also a second non-attenuated CV input.

Output - The final module is a stereo output module with pan control per input. It's a two-input mixer with panning, that then goes to a stereo output. High quality components were used here. Audio grade AC coupling caps, LME47920 op amps, etc.

This synthesizer uses the following standards:

10V P2P bipolar signals (audio).
0-5V unipolar CV signals.
~10V logic pulses.

This is a fairly full featured stand-alone synth, but works very well with other banana synths and modules. It was made so that plenty of experimental patches could be built stand-alone. It can be played via MIDI to CV as a full featured mono-synth, or a part of a larger system.

I can provide one of two power cable options. One is the standard 4-pin XLR to XLR cable that will work with Random*Source power (or others based on this standard). The other is an XLR to MTA-156 (MOTM pinout) cable, that will work with any PSU that can provide MOTM style power.

I recommend a one amp PSU, though the panel draws less than that. (Random*Source is easiest) I can build a very nice linear power supply for this system upon request. Prices will need to be discussed based on needs.

This listing includes and is configured with the blue-stained Ash wooden sides.

Thank you for looking!"

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