MATRIXSYNTH: Stroh Modular

Showing posts with label Stroh Modular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stroh Modular. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

STROH FULL PANEL SYSTEM (4U boat) 2020 Silver

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"I'm selling one full 4U "boat" / panel synthesizer. This is likely the last full panel synth that I will be building. (I will be continuing to build LW format modules going forward.) This panel runs on +/-12V via 4-pin XLR compatible with Random*Source power standards. This is electrically compatible with Serge, Loudest Warning, and other 4U/banana formats, though a bit of scaling may be necessary in some cases for CV ranges.

Here is a list of the functions/features of each section. Some are completely new (to my lineup) and may be available as PCBs at some point in the near future.

Clock & Divide - This is a full 1V/Oct VCO with range switch. It has a 0-5V unipolar sawtooth output (handy when connecting with Serge). It has a Sync input, and then the following Clock-pulse outputs. Clock, Div/2, Div/3, Div/4.

Bit Station - This is a slightly enhanced version of my usual Bit Station configurations. It can output pseudo-random and random (to 8-bit resolution) CVs. It can output pitched digital noise when clocked at audio rates. It will output analog white noise. The Data Input is an adjustable-threshold comparator (big knob controls it). Patch in waveforms, white noise, etc. to be processed by the internal digital shift register. The serial output is the logic-level data output of the shift register (can be used for random gates, etc.) There is also an XOR logic section which can also be used as a ring modulator.

2X SSI-Oscillators - These are standard, full-featured, precise VCOs. They use the SSI-2164 for exponential conversion, so no matched-pair-tempco-resistor circuit. They have hard sync, linear FM, Pulse Width Modulation, and saw, tri, pwm, and sine outputs.

Dual Angle - This is two Angle Generators. (Linear Slope Envelope/LFO modules) They work in Attack/Decay, or Attack/Release (switched) and either One Shot or Cycle modes. They also output an end of Cycle pulse for triggering other things, or retriggering for more complex shapes.

Reso-Gates - This is two resonant Low Pass Gates. Controls are Cutoff, CV-1 Level, and Resonance. There is also a second non-attenuated CV input.

Output - The final module is a stereo output module with pan control per input. It's a two-input mixer with panning, that then goes to a stereo output. High quality components were used here. Audio grade AC coupling caps, LME47920 op amps, etc.

Thursday, February 06, 2020

FLEX WAVE VCO Stroh Modular 5U Synth Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Flex Wave VCO Stroh Modular
5U size
fully working
amazing module professionally built by Paul-S-Tone
in excellent condition

Saturday, November 02, 2019

Stroh Modular 4U Loudest Warning Format Modular System

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This is a one of a kind custom full plug-and-play Loudest Warning System made, designed, hand wired / built and modified by Stroh / J3rk.

This is my favorite synth I've ever owned (and I've had everything from Cwejman, to Macbeth, Moog, etc) but I really need to pay off some student debt so unfortunately here goes.

It includes 8 Loudest Warning format modules professionally custom built by Stroh / J3rk and modified (per request) to work perfectly with 12v and 15v Power. None of these modules have ever been for sale.

Whats included in this bundle -

LW Modules (I've never seen any of these modules for sale before, kits or complete) -
Stroh - MCVCO With Buchla Knobs (Complex Thru Zero VCO / LFO)
Stroh - DPO LW module (Complex VCO / LFO)
Stroh - Q Q LW module (Wavefolder, Scanner, Mixer?)
Stroh - Dual Angle LW module (Dual Envelope / Transient generator, LFO, Logic generator)
Stroh - MSF (Lowpass, Bandpass, Highpass filter with dual FM inputs and pinging)
Stroh - Dual VCA LW module
Stroh - Out LW module (Dual output module with panning, independent mono 1/4" outs and a summed stereo / headphone output.
Stroh - M I (Midi interface with gate output and 2 CV outputs) Works great with my Keyboard.
Boat / Skiff / Power
cLee - Loudest Warning steel boat w/ option for rack ears.
cLee - Loudest Warning Bus board with extra spaces for more LW modules.
High quality 15v pre-wired Plug-and Play Serge Power supply.
16 Pomona Banana Cables (Various lengths)
2 long TS 1/4" to 1/8" cables for hooking the mixer into your Eurorack, etc.
1 Very long Hosa TRS 1/4 to 1/8 cable
1 Midi Cable.
2 New Gold Plated TRS to Female XLR cables for main stereo output.
2 New Gold Plated Male TRS to Male XLR cables for main output.
2 Monster 1/4" TS Gold plated cables.
Gold Plated 1/4" to 1/8" Headphone adaptor.
Bonus Free!
If you are a module builder (or know one) I can include a few cLee LW Faceplate's, PCB's and Brackets as I will not have time to make these anytime soon unfortunately. Please let me know if you would like them.
cLee - Bits PCB's + faceplate (some components added, not by me)
cLee - VC Timer PCB's + Faceplate set
cLee - Euclidian Sequencer PCB + Faceplate set
cLee - 3 LW PCB Brackets

Each module in this skiff is very rare and has never been for sale retail (check google), They may be one-off modules. Stroh does not make many modules for other people (maybe none anymore?) so I'll doubt these will ever come up again for sale."

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Custom ARP & Roland Based 5U Suitcase Modular System

This one in via SoundRay. This system is not for sale. It is only one of two systems built by Paul-S-Tone.

"Custom made modular system in suitcase featuring:

Double VCO Arp Odyssey MK1 with waveshaper (triangle/sine) and switch to send the 4 waveforms to a clipper circuit to control the WAVE offset

Sub oscillator Roland SH-101 with independent audio output;

Arp Odyssey ring modulator

DC mixer

ARP 4023 VCF with 3 audio inputs

ROLAND SYSTEM 100M ADSR with clipper option

2 syncable LFO

Sample and Hold


Stroh Modular dual VCA with the outs normalized to the reverb input fx by Ken Stone


All components are the same ones used in the original machines mentioned

Design and assembly by Paolo Sassi aka Paul-S-Stone

Owner Gianpiero De Filippo [aka SoundRay]"

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Lower West Side Studio 5U Demo Videos

Published on Jun 24, 2016 Lower West Side Studio

These were spotted and sent my way via John L Rice. Thank you John!


1. Stroh Dual Gene Splicer

"Demonstration of the Stroh Dual Gene Splicer MU Module from
Details on the DIY build can be found here"

2. Frequency Central System X ADSR Fast / Slow Envelope Demo

"Frequency Central's System X ADSR - Demonstration of Fast versus Slow Envelope switch setting
Details on the DIY build can be found here"

3. Cat Girl Synthesizer CGS01 Sub Oscillator Demo

"Cat Girl CGS01 Sub Oscillator / Harmonic Sequencer Demonstration
Details on the DIY build can be found here"

4. PAiA MIDI2CV8 Duo Mode Demo

"PAiA MIDI2CV8 9700S Duophonic Mode Demonstration
FRAC module converted to MU format (+/-15V) with version 3.0 ROM and Switch 8 modification"

5. MIDI2CV8 DIN Sync - External MIDI Clock Control

"Demonstration of the PAiA MIDI2CV8 DIN Sync Mode - MIDI Clock to Control Voltage
Moog Sub 37 clock used to control arpeggiator"

6. BMC018 Analog Drum Demo

"Demonstration of Barton Musical Circuit's BMC018 Analog Drum Module. This module was built in MU format for a +/-15 volt power supply system."

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kilpatrick Phenol + Stroh J3RK Box first meeting

Published on Nov 20, 2015 Ritchie DeCarlo

Monday, February 09, 2015

Testing the 1/4" & banana outs on the Analog Systems Pieruixmaster Sequencer with STROH & Animodules

Published on Feb 9, 2015 Ritchie DeCarlo

"Another run through with the Bananas going to the STROH box & the 1/4" outs going to the modular... FUN!"

Second Patch Analog Systems Pieruixmaster Sequencer with STROH & Metasonix Synths

Published on Feb 8, 2015 Ritchie DeCarlo

"Trying different applications with the new sequencer.
My old MFOS sequencer is driving the Meatsonix r55 which is going through DRUM 2 on the d1000(as a filter) Two channels of my new sequencer are driving the STROH box with Banana cables."

Friday, February 06, 2015

Analog Systems Pieruixmaster Sequencer with STROH & Benjolin Synths

Published on Feb 6, 2015 Ritchie DeCarlo

Not to be confused with Analogue Systems.

"Just got this custom pieruixmaster ( Analog Systems) Sequencer. Running 2 Eight Step sequences. One is going to The STROH J3RK synth box & also to Osc. 1 on the Benjolin. The bottom sequencer is going to the Benjolin Filter. Just testing the waters here. MANY OPTIONS!"

Friday, April 25, 2014

Stroh Modular Signal Block Semi-Modular Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.


"The Stroh Modular Signal Block Synthesizer

This is a panelized semi-modular banana-synth, built with all latest revisions of my PCBs, using high quality components designed with patching flexibility in mind. The entire synth was designed by myself, or using designs adapted with permission from two or three other sources. The panel is 3mm thick anodized aluminum with white in-fill engraving. The case was hand made from alder, and finished with bees-wax. The power supply is internal, and is designed to be quiet, safe, and reliable. Though there are no modules in this synth which require 5V power, it is also supplied on the board in case of future modification or expansion. I very much enjoyed building this synthesizer, and hope that you will enjoy playing it.

Here is a list of modules/functions/and anything else I can think of. Demos to follow below as well.

Two UltraFade VCOs. - These are my latest and favorite VCOs. They are built on a classic triangle core design, provide the usual wave shapes, as well as some extras. There is a logic 0-10V PWM output to trigger other modules, clock and logic inputs, etc. There is also a mixed, and inverted mixed waveform, which is a crossfade between either sine and ramp, or sine and PWM. (selectable via switch) This is similar in function to how a 258 would work, only using an improved circuit. There are Linear FM, Exponential FM, Volt per Octave, PWM, and Wave Shape CV inputs. There are Sine, Ramp, Square, Logic Pulse, PWM, Mixed, and Inverted Mixed outputs. There is a switch for Audio and LFO rates, and one for wave selection for mixing. These VCOs track approximately 8 octaves.

One VCO Control - This section includes an Attack Release envelope, which can also function as a slew if needed, a Divide by N/N.5 clock/frequency divider which can divide odd, even, and half steps, and an XOR Logic circuit. The XOR in addition to the Logic level output, also has a bipolar audio output for use as a Ring Modulator (similar to some ARP synthesizers.) This in conjunction with two VCOs can form a Phase Locked Loop configuration with divisions for chords, octaves, etc. PLLs aren't perfect, but are a lot of fun to play with. Complex rhythms can also be generated using the divide and XOR.

One Sample and Shift - This section is three functions. One White Noise generator, one Sample and Hold, and one Linear Feedback Shift Register. The LFSR can be used to create pseudo-random pulses, complex digital tones that will track with a VCO, or interesting types of digital noise. There are two selector switches that change the routing of the shift-register taps. This creates different pulse trains or tones (depending on how it's clocked) Combined with the XOR, some additional complexity can be added.

One FadeX - This is a voltage controlled Crossfader and Panner. It can also be used as a single linear VCA, or with some creative patching, a Ring Modulator. It also has an extra/auxiliary bipolar indicator LED. Just plug in a signal, and it will fade with rate and phase of the signal. If used in conjunction with an UltraFade VCO, one can crossfade up to three different waveforms for very complex shifting timbres. Low distortion VCAs are used in the FadeX. AC or DC coupled via switch.

One MixAD - This is a Dual, Loopable, Attack Decay Envelope with Variable Analog OR Mixer. Each AD can be set to one shot or cycle via switch. When both envelopes are patched into the OR, complex modulations can be created. The Analog OR can be used with any incoming signal to OR the peaks. Both a normal, and inverted output are available. This can also be used as a simple attenuator as well (though best suited for CVs over audio.)

One MultiMix - This module is two parts. One 4 Channel Precision CV Processor with 5VDC Reference Voltage, and One 4 Channel Audio Mixer. The CV Processor is 4 bipolar "attenuverting" channels to process and combine CVs. The reference voltage can be patched into one of the channels, and used to shift the output signal above or below DC0V. (so level shift from +/-5V to 0 to 10V or 0 to -10V if desired) There are normal and inverted outputs available. The Audio Mixer is a simple AC coupled 4 Channel Audio Mixer with a touch of gain at the inputs available. High quality op amps are used in both mixers.

One Dual LPG - This is two Low Pass Gates in what is typically considered "Both" mode. It does some low pass filtering and VCA function (no resonance). There is a frequency offset knob and a CV attenuation knob for each gate. AC and DC selectable via switch. These also make good slews, and have a nice ring to them at low offset settings.

One Dual VCA - This is a pair of Low Distortion VCAs (Mike Sims design if you're familiar,) with either AC or DC coupling. These are linear response.

One LFO - This is actually a full featured Volt per Octave VCO with High and Low modes, Linear FM, and Sync. It has Triangle, Square, and Unipolar Logic Square outputs. It uses the same core as the UltraFade VCOs, tracks just as well, and sounds quite good as an audio oscillator on top of its LFO labeled duties.

One Output - This is a Two Channel Stereo Output mixer with pan controls, and two AC coupled VCAs. The VCAs are individually patchable and general purpose. They can be used anywhere in the system, but the idea was to allow some voltage control of the output mixer, or use them as AC coupled links for audio signals to go to and from this system. The Output Mixer is also AC coupled, so used as a final stage before a console, audio interface, etc. it will remove DC offsets, etc. Used with the FadeX, signals can be autopanned in the stereo field. The output will happily drive 600 Ohm loads, so headphone will be right at home here.

That's more or less the Signal Block. For those of you who can't get enough VCAs... There are 13 in the Signal Block. (of course only 7 of them are independently available, but...) w00t

The price is $4450.00 shipped."

Monday, November 11, 2013

Jazz In Space with The Stroh Sketchpad Modular Synthesizer

Published on Nov 11, 2013 Ritchie DeCarlo·133 videos

"My first experiment with The Stroh Sketchpad controlled by the mfb Urzwerg sequencer.
The clock out of the Sketchpad is patched to the CV Clock input of the Urrzwerg. It does some crazy things to the pitch & gate signals. Sounds like something C3PO would listen to in his SUV."

Monday, November 04, 2013

J3RK (Stroh Modular) Dual Complex VCO

via Stephen Drake on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Stroh modular blue synthesizer 1 -oops noise

Published on Dec 12, 2012 by opsysbug

"!st day out of the box with a new suitcase synthesizer. made by Stroh Modular.
A quick jam after I found the noise output!"

First Stroh Modular post.

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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