MATRIXSYNTH: Jamuary #7 - Winds of change

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Jamuary #7 - Winds of change


"For day 7 of Jamuary I decided extend the jamming to video as well as music :)
On the music front Im simply playing the soundplane in a free improv.
On the video side, I brought out the Critter and Guitari Eyesy, and 'jammed' along with what Id played.

I really love the eyesy, for creatiing these video effects quickly, where it can react to the music, and also allow some hands on control.


Music side:
Improv on the soundplane playing Madrona Lab Aalto into Vahalla Shimmer and Vahalla SuperMassove.

Video side:
Audio into Eyesy, video capture with a very cheap device off ebay. Eyesy is generating visual from audio using various 'scenes', where I use a green background, and 'green screen' video
I did a couple of runs with EYESY, then brought them into Final Cut Pro.
I added the main video with a sepia fx, to help the graphics stand out.
then overlaid eyesy video, added keyer fx (green screen) - then chopped up bits of the eyesy images I wanted.

note: no additional fx were used in FCP, except crossfade transitions.

this sounds more complicated than it really is, its actually a very quick way to add additional video fx."

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