Tuesday, March 02, 2021

5U - FM Drone

video by Precarious333 Music

"Testing out some modules (outside the case). Patch is an ElectroSmith VCO with linear FM from Q106A sine which is sequenced by a SympleSEQ. Saw out from ElectroSmith to Barton BMC034 Switched Resistor VCF (built by Lower West Side Studio) running 2 low pass filters in series. Barton BMC034 is modulated by Encore Universal Event Generator running through the inverter on Q155 with inversion modulated by an audio frequency signal from SSL 1710 5-PULSER which is processing the same Q106A FM-ing the ElectroSmith VCO, introducing a pitch heard as the accented notes. The inverter output is then fed to the Curver section of Q155 modulated by a second Encore UEG. Simple, right? Ha-ha!

Q155 Curver is a really great module. Works great to add uniqueness to modulation signals and audio alike. I'm sure I'll find a place for it in every patch.

A minute into the video I introduce an inverted copy of the sequence controlling Q106A into the Clock input on the Barton BMC034. This is an experimental input on a very strange filter producing unexpected results. In this instance we get a sweet spot that produces truncated versions of the sequence because the filter freaks out creating dead zones. I like that kind of thing. \ (•◡•) /

Things fall into chaos when I exponentially FM the ElectroSmith VCO by another VCO running a different sequence which degenerates into the noise at the end.

#5U​ #MU​ #ElectroSmith​ #LowerWestSideStudio​ #modular​​ #synth​​ #music​​ #SynthesizersDOTcom​​ #DOTcom​​ #MoogFormat​​ #SSL​​ #SyntheticSoudLabs​​"

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