MATRIXSYNTH: Another Wasp improv this time with Norns

Monday, June 14, 2021

Another Wasp improv this time with Norns

video by junklight

"Still getting to know the Wasp again after all these years (and through something better than a cheap guitar practice amp ;-) ). I so need to sort out my workspace and up my production values a bit but stupidly busy as ever and prefer to spend my music time playing rather than sorting things out right now :-)
Using the Norns oooooo script by infinitedigits (who I think is [video below]"

"everything" by infinite digits, live | norns, po-32, korg monotron delay, raspberry pi

video by infinitedigits

"a live performance of the last track on my latest album:

the entire album was made with the cheapest synth on the market: the korg monotron. i hacked it to use midi from a raspberry pi. i added drums with a po-32 and mixed it live with a koma field kit."

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