MATRIXSYNTH: 10 Horror Movie Themes That Scared The World!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

10 Horror Movie Themes That Scared The World!

video upload by Espen Kraft

"10 Horror Movie Themes That Scared The World!

Do you have a horror movie theme that really scare you? Please let us know in the comments below! Here are my 10 iconic thrills for this Halloween :

00:00 Intro
00:30 Jaws (1975)
01:11 The Exorcist (1973)
01:42 A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
02:31 Rosemary's Baby (1968)
03:22 Zombie Flesh-Eaters (1979)
04:56 Hellraiser (1987)
05:33 Suspiria (1977)
05:52 Halloween (1978)
06:33 Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
08:26 Psycho (1960)
08:40 Outro

All themes are multitracked and recorded live, by hand. Sequencing only done on Cannibal Holocaust (taken from my Yamaha QX3 video)
These versions must all be considered "cover" tracks as I deliberately has done them differently that the originals, for obvious reasons.

Synths, keyboards, drum machines and samplers used:
Roland Juno-106, JX-8P, JX-3P, Alpha Juno 2, SP-700, Jupiter-8, TR-808
Yamaha: DX7, TX802, TX81Z, RX11, KX88
Korg: Poly-61, EX-800, KR55
Oberheim Matrix-12
Sequential Prophet VS, Six-Trak
John Bowen Solaris
Kawai PHM
Crumar BIT01
Casio RZ1
Elka OMB5
*and one VST synth that shall remain nameless

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1 comment:

  1. Happy happy Hallowe'en Hallowe'en Hallowe'en
    Happy happy Hallowe'en Silver Shamrock


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