MATRIXSYNTH: Waldorf M Gets a MicrowaveII/XT Style Digital Filter

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Waldorf M Gets a MicrowaveII/XT Style Digital Filter

via Waldorf

"New M firmware version with a new digital filter. Well, the last version did not last very long. There's another new M firmware update available and this one comes packed with a new digital filter (similar to the one used in the Micro Wave II). Beside the new filter feature the new firmware also comes with bug fixes and if you missed it of course with the great new features from the last update: Fast loading of presets, "Ghost in the machine" randomize feature for instant new presets or as an inspiration source."
via the Release notes:

"Technically speaking, this is an adaptation of Dattaro-Chamberlin SVF (which is similar to MWII implementation of LP12/BP12/HP12 VCF modes).

However, it is NOT a direct clone of such MWII filters into M.

So, what we have here as DigiVCF. This is actually LP/BP/HP SVF with 12 dB / oct slope, with resonance, and without self-oscillation. It stays directly between Mixer output and analog VCF, i.e. this is the last digital element of M's sound path. It can be enabled/disabled, and cutoff frequency could be modulated through one modulator. On the full resonance, it's attenuate a signal at 12 dB, and with an ASIC bug enabled, it could be overdriven up to clipping. Without ASIC bug it should not be overdriven. The cutoff is within the range 10Hz - 10kHz. This was made intentionally meaning to fit into the Classic OSC Mode performance. However, it passed the M character well. This is an experimental, non-planned feature, but allows to advance the sonic possibilities of the M a bit more.

It could be found on the MIX section of UI, pages 4 and 5. The graphics were not implemented in this release. Honestly, I need feedback about this feature generally.

FW : Host 1.06 RC
- fixed the voice stealing bug in Multi-Mode (broken round-robin).
- fixed mono retrig allocator mode.
- fixed mono legato allocator mode, changed to duophonic legato (allows trill, but does not track more than one previously pressed key)
- fixed bug with loading sound if it contains two different user wavetables.
- added DigiVCF sound parameters.
- added DigiVCF UI pages.
- added DigiVCF support for existing patches."

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