MATRIXSYNTH: Loumavox : the Forgotten Synthesizer

Friday, December 17, 2021

Loumavox : the Forgotten Synthesizer

video upload by Loumavox

Featuring Jean-Michel Jarre.

"Discovery of a forgotten synthesizer!
Students from the agricultural high school in Courcelles-Chaussy (France) discovered by chance a synthesizer from the 1960s. They went in search of Louise and Marc Voksinski [Wolzinski], the genius creators of this machine. During their investigation the high school students will cross paths with Jean Michel Jarre. The documentary produced as part of a video workshop turns into an exceptional dive into the world of electronic music."

"Découverte d'un synthétiseur oublié !
Des élèves du lycée agricole de Courcelles-Chaussy (France) ont découvert par hasard un synthétiseur des années 60. Ils sont partis à la recherche de Louise et Marc Vokzinski, créateurs de génie de cette machine. Durant leur enquête les lycéens vont croiser la route de Jean Michel Jarre. Le documentaire réalisé dans le cadre d'un atelier vidéo se transforme en une plongée exceptionnelle dans le monde de la musique électronique."

L'enquête Loumavox - Bande annonce

video upload by Loumavox

Note this is the first Loumavox post on the site. See the "New Old" and "exlcusive" labels below for additional discovered gems in the synth world.

Note featured in the film comes up with a WordPress placeholder, not the site in the film. A search on Louise Wolzinski doesn't bring it or other references up either.

Update: Loumavox Mystery Forgotten Synth is a Fake


  1. This is archaeology. The missing link of synthesis. When that professor was so anxious as to come out to meet them, when he took the suitcase in his hand I could almost hear him thinking "Ha! It's mine now! Try and get it back!"

  2. Finding the LOUMAVOX is akin to finding a working mechanical calculator in the ruins of Pompei. This discovery should be world shaking.

  3. After several views and some research, there is some indication this may be a hoax. Research is continuing.


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Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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