MATRIXSYNTH: exclusive2021

Showing posts with label exclusive2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exclusive2021. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


video upload by EMEAPP

"The ARP 2500 is just one of those incredibly special machines that is so flexible and so widely open to the interpretation of the artist who uses it. Here is electronic music artist Ombient (who is a frequent collaborator and volunteer here at EMEAPP) with this wonderful melodic performance on our 2500 system along with some other ARP goodness (ARP 2600, Pro-Soloist, 1613 Sequencer and 8 channel mixer). Enjoy the ride and the VFX generated by Ombient.

You can find us at where we invite you to join us as a member."

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Gmebaphone Concept and the Cybernéphone Instrument

This one is in via Asbjørn Blokkum Flø. "Here is an interesting synth produced in various forms from 1973-2001. It was produced in various analogue and digital forms. If you do a Google image search for 'Gmebaphone' you will see a few different versions. The music of Christian Clozier and Françoise Barrière probably includes the instrument. I tried the instrument at the Bourges festival in 2004, and it was quirky but fascinating."


"The Gmebaphone is an instrumentarium consisting of amplifiers, sound-treatment systems, loudspeakers, a console, and a processing system designed and built for live diffusion and performance. The specifications for the instrument were dictated by musical criteria. The musical interpretation of a work is based on analysis of the work and on analysis of its physical signals. Thus, the instrument is able to provide a pertinent acoustic rendering of a work’s sonic complexities (in terms of timbre, time, and space) directly under the performer’s control, thereby allowing transparent and expressive interpretations. The Gmebaphone is a processor/simulator of sonic electroacoustic space, as well as a polyphonic acoustic synthesizer of musical spaces. It is an instrument comprised of the hierarchical combination of a control system with memory, tablatures, and combinatory modes of play that give rise to a rich and workable system of interpretation and expression."

Also see

Image below with an E-Mu Modular in the back ground, and EMS Putney on the left via here.  Not sure what the black system on the farl left is.  If you know feel free to leave a comment. Also if you know if any demos of the Gmebaphone let us know!

P.S. The design reminds me of various equipment featured in synth rorschach posts.

See the exclusive label for more of the rare of the rare in the synth world.

Update: additonal info in via Asbjørn Blokkum Flø:

I've looked further into the Gmebaphone.

It basically looks like a system for live surround sound for electronic music, or as it is called "diffusion" of electroacoustic music. The surround setups could be very complex with up to 50 loudspeakers of various shapes and placements, a bit like the Acousmonium (GRM 1974-) [link]

The term 'acoustic' is used several times in the article. This seems to describe how loudspeakers interacts with the acoustics of the space, and not acoustic sound sources in the traditional meaning the word.

Being built as a custom instrument for live performance of electronic music, it is more of a musical and compositional tool than a conventional analogue or digital mixer.

It evolved over the years, but the latest model seemed to have a 76 channel mixer with 8 inputs and 16 outputs, with the possibility of digital treatments (phasing, delay, reverberation, and detuning).

From the article:
'The console has a total number of 76 channels of diffusion (36 are touch-controlled and 40 are digitally controlled via the screens) spread over 16 master outputs and eight master inputs. [..] Pull-down menus control digital treatments (phasing, delay, reverberation, and detuning).'

The article describes 6 different models (with photos):
Gmebaphone 1 (1973)
Gmebaphone 2 (1975) - 6 inputs, 2 "networks" (outputs?).
Gmebaphone 3 (1979) - 8 inputs, 22 outputs. Manual analogue control as well as digital computer control.
Gmebaphone 4 (1983) - Digital playback of soundfiles. Digital treatments (phasing, delay, and timbre).
Gmebaphone 5 (1992) - sequencing, graphical interface, automation.
Gmebaphone 6 - (renamed Cybernéphone) (1997) - 8 inputs, 16 outputs, 50 loudspeakers. Possible to save files to CD-ROM.

This page mentions the Gmebaphone number 7 / Cybernéphone (2005): [link]

The convoluted language of the article reminds me of the writings of French composer Pierre Schaeffer, and can be a bit hard to decipher.
There is also some information on a large number of synthesizers that they produced between 1973 and 2008. called Systhysysop (1976), Charybde (1985), Gmebogosse (1972-1999) and Cybersongosse (??-2008?).

They are described in this article (with images): [link]

Many nice images here: [pdf link]

Another article: [link]

More images: [link 1 Also captured here] [link 2] [link 3 Also captured here]

These instruments was also made at the International Institute of Electroacoustic Music at Bourges /IMEB. Read more about IMEB here (use Google translate). [link]

You have written about the Cybersongosse before: [link]

I could not find any audio clips.

All the best"

Functional and Audio Demos of the Ultra Rare Con Brio ADS 200R Synthesizer

Those of you who have been coming to the site over the years should be familiar with the ultra rare Con Brio ADS. There was a keyboard version and a remote, or rather desktop, version. They are identical in function and sound. There is only one known ADS 200R in existance and that is it in the videos above (and farther below). Note the placeholder image is the ADS 200 keyboard version but you will see the videos feature the 200R. Brian Kehew wrote in to let us know he is working on a website that will cover the history of this rare synth. He also made the set of functional and audio demos. Above are the functional demos and farther below are the audio demos. You will find video titles and descriptions for each video in the playlistbelow, but before that, here's what Brian had to say:

"I've been making a website for the Con Brio synth history. Will be ready in a few more months. But meanwhile I've uploaded some video of how the thing worked. Primitive now, especially to younger musicians. But for anyone who lived through the days of floppy discs and early digital synthesis will see how advanced the Con Brio's design was.

We still don't know much about the workings, as all known manuals are gone, and the designers can't recall everything of how it did work. Here are some simple explanations and demonstrations of the main functions.

It's also a true 16-bit synthesizer, which was rare and expensive at the time. It also used an iron output transformer (like good studio consoles) which somehow also helps it sound (in my opinion) better than the Fairlight, DKS and Synclavier designs.

The two instruments I had are now at the EMEAPP Archive Project in PA, they may be able to make better headway figuring out more of the system and it's operations..."

Be sure to see the Con Brio label for various bits of info that have come in over the years. Also see the exclusive label for the rare of the rare in the synth world.

Playlist: 1. Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #1: Loading the O.S. and Light Show
This is the basic beginning, to load an Operating System for the Con Brio synthesizer from an 8" floppy disc. First, the Light Show disc is used, then the standard OS disc that allows for music synthesis.
2. Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #2; Panel lights show relevance.
One of the most-brilliant and unique aspects of the Con Brio design is the implementation of panel lights; they guide you to work much faster and more accurately.
3. Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #3: Loading Sounds onto the keyboard zones.
Finding sounds on the 8" floppy disc directories, and then assigning them to the two keyboards in various combinations.
4. Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #4 - Speed of Disc Access
One of the notable aspects of the Con Brio systems is a custom-written code to make disc access practically instantaneous. This demonstration shows the rapid access speed when loading from the floppy drive.
Further demonstration of loading sounds from disc and sequences to play them.
Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #5 - Basic Loading 6. Con Brio Synthesizer Instruction #6 - Ensemble
Loading and using the Ensemble feature; the Con Brio could store a combination of sounds, layers, outputs, and sequences - and then save the whole set as an "Ensemble" preset - which loads nearly instantaneously.
7. Con Brio Synthesizer Instruction #7 - Loading and Stacking
Bringing in two sounds and layering them together.
8. Con Brio Synthesizers #8 - String Sequence with Tempo change
Basic Tempo control of a string sequence with the panel Tempo knob.
9. Con Brio Synthesizer Instructional #9 - Tuning and Synthesis modes experiment
As none of the Con Brio Owner's Manuals survived, it's very difficult to understand how they were supposed to operate. With a little guidance and help from the inventors, some methods produce results. This video is an experiment with saved alternate Tuning Tables and the Synthesis modes.

1 Con Brio Audio Demo One
A really nice wide-ranging set of sounds, changing across time, yet just a beginning demonstration of what the instrument could have done with more time and exploration.
2 Con Brio - String Section
Some string section sounds, very detailed and shimmering timbres.
3 Con Brio - Pipe Organ
Mussorgsky's Pictures At An Exhibition using a basic pipe organ program.
4 Con Brio - Wine Glasses
Digital synthesizers excel at this kind of crystalline ringing sound.
5 Con Brio - Sound 67
Playback of a sound with glitching, jittery elements; a fairly complex layered tone with some noise components, too.
6 Custom Con Brio Sounds
These tones are quite ahead of their time for 1980, and still sound quite modern. Easy enough to do them today, but back then, these were exceptional tones.
7 Random Number demo
Very similar to the randomness of a Sample/Hold on an analog synthesizer, but quickly becomes more layered and deep, a complexity that would take many analog synths to generate.
Con Brio Synthesizers #8 - String Sequence with Tempo change
Basic Tempo control of a string sequence with the panel Tempo knob.
9 Con Brio - Clear and Bright sequence
Demonstrates the sharp and detailed sound of these instruments.
10 Con Brio - Short Latin sequence
Just as the title suggests...
11 Con Brio - Dramatic
Dramatix, suspenseful set of sounds.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Loumavox : the Forgotten Synthesizer

video upload by Loumavox

Featuring Jean-Michel Jarre.

"Discovery of a forgotten synthesizer!
Students from the agricultural high school in Courcelles-Chaussy (France) discovered by chance a synthesizer from the 1960s. They went in search of Louise and Marc Voksinski [Wolzinski], the genius creators of this machine. During their investigation the high school students will cross paths with Jean Michel Jarre. The documentary produced as part of a video workshop turns into an exceptional dive into the world of electronic music."

"Découverte d'un synthétiseur oublié !
Des élèves du lycée agricole de Courcelles-Chaussy (France) ont découvert par hasard un synthétiseur des années 60. Ils sont partis à la recherche de Louise et Marc Vokzinski, créateurs de génie de cette machine. Durant leur enquête les lycéens vont croiser la route de Jean Michel Jarre. Le documentaire réalisé dans le cadre d'un atelier vidéo se transforme en une plongée exceptionnelle dans le monde de la musique électronique."

L'enquête Loumavox - Bande annonce

video upload by

Note this is the first Loumavox post on the site. See the "New Old" and "exlcusive" labels below for additional discovered gems in the synth world.

Note featured in the film comes up with a WordPress placeholder, not the site in the film. A search on Louise Wolzinski doesn't bring it or other references up either.

Update: Loumavox Mystery Forgotten Synth is a Fake

This Day in History: December 17, 1963 Letter from Bob Moog to Herb Deutsch

via @moogmusicinc

"#OnThisDay in 1963… and the rest is history 🎶"

Monday, December 06, 2021


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via Tone Tweakers on eBay, and Reverb

"Here's a incredibly rare piece of Sequential Circuits memorabilia that we've never seen offered for sale anywhere. We got this a while ago from someone who worked for Sequential Circuits back in the day.

This item is unused, new old stock (!).

We googled this to see if we could find any reference to it and we couldn't, so we suspect they made very very few of them. Over 40 years later, we imagine most of them are long gone, and any surviving examples, if there are any, would be in poor condition.

As of writing this, we have 2 others available (search our website for jacket). We realize our asking price may seem quite high for a jacket, but, as mentioned, these jackets are pieces of vintage synth memorabilia and are the only ones of their kind we've ever seen in decades, and we've seen it all. Plus, there are some very serious collectors out there, and this is quite an interesting piece. If it doesn't sell soon, we may gradually lower the price, so if you're interested but don't want to pay our asking price, please let us know."

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Welson Polyorchestra Rare Italian Analog Synthesizer

video upload by George Engineer

This appears to be the first post on the site to feature the Polyorchestra. You can find additional Welson posts here, including other Orchestra models.

"Welson Polyorchestra Rare Italian Analog Synthesizer
The Audio Demo was made only with the Welson Polyorchestra and the drums is from the Korg KR55"

Welson Polyorchestra Rare Italian Vintage Synthesizer Full Video

Thursday, November 11, 2021


video upload by Outdoorsman

"This is an early analogue synth that I built from a series of articles in Wireless World magazine. I obviously spent a LOT of time making it....let's see if it still works..... (update coming soon!) Here's a link to the original articles...." (PDF link - pics below if you want to skip)

Note the article appears to be by Tim Orr of Powertran, and a D. W. Thomas. Anyone know who that is? The design reminds me of a Maplin.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Philip Rees Percussion Sample Player MIDI Sound Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Works well, has individual outputs, selectable MIDI CH plus MIDI IN & MIDI THRU."

SN 144982 or 144962

This appears to be the first post to feature the Philip Rees Percussion Sample Player. Some info via mu:zines:

"More than a beatbox, less than a sampler, the Percussion Sample Player appears to be a unique rhythmatist's instrument. Simon Trask looks at the pros and cons of a dedicated drum sampler..."

"THE PSP'S PCM samples are eight-bit companded (giving a 72dB dynamic range, equivalent to a 13-bit linear system), and sampled at 31.25kHz. The five built-in cymbal sounds have a neutral (you could say characterless) quality which allows them to blend in with the variety of percussive sounds found on the various cartridges. The longer cymbal samples both succumb to the lack-of-memory syndrome, though as always a touch of external reverb processing can help out."

"The nine cartridges available as of writing are (with number of samples indicated in brackets): Neutral Kit (7), Tight Kit (9), Analogue Drum Machine (12), Techno Kit (7), Latin Kit (10), Power Kit (8), Metal Kit (8), Snare Collection (8) and Tabla (12). Each cartridge comes in a small plastic box, with a transparent plastic lid which can be clipped securely into place and a piece of foam in the base to help prevent the cartridge from getting knocked about. Also provided in the case is a small fold-out leaflet which includes a list of the samples on the cartridge together with their MIDI trigger notes, a description of each sample, and several example rhythm patterns printed in a grid format. Additionally, each cartridge has a handy diagram printed on its upper face which tells you not only what samples the cartridge contains but also which MIDI notes trigger them."

Monday, October 18, 2021

EMS Desktop Expanders

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via these auctions

Random Voltage Generator Model No 741/10 SN 5224.R.

"Comes with power supply and connecter to vcs3 or synthi."

Triple Slew Limiter SN 5432.5

"Power supply included."

Pitch to Voltage Converter SN 5295.P.

"Comes with power supply and connector for vcs3 or synthi."

8 Octave Filter Bank SN 5105.F.

"Comes with power supply."

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rare Novation MidiCon & BassStation Rack

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"the BassStation works flawlessly. there's a bit of wear on the bottom, and the ears are a bit bent, but this is an incredible machine that doesn't pop up so often stateside. very sturdy and quite the performer. the Midicon works well with an adapter, but I'm afraid not so much with batteries as the contacts need replacing. this super responsive MIDI controller can receive velocity data and feature 2 wheels. honestly I've never had much luck pairing it with the BassStation, but I do use it with my other synths, most notably with my Roland MC-909. the case is similar in format to the original BassStation and is made of plastic as well. doesn't feel all that sturdy, but the keys, wheels and buttons are super comfy, strap buttons(!) are tight and you'll likely never find these two being sold together again anywhere."

Friday, October 01, 2021

Introducing the Emthree PFV3

video upload by Vintage Audio Institute Italia

This appears to be the first demo of one on the site. One went up for sale back in 2016.

"Amazingly rare, battery run formant filter, or rather EQ, machine produced in Italy by Emthree, formerly Meazzi, probably in the early 1980s.
It has two modes:
1. Full on engage of three filters / EQ settings / Vowels by pressing the buttons.
2. Gradual engage by using the three potentiometers.

The two modes cannot be engaged simultaneously.

Vintage Audio Institute is a gear vendor and recording studio in the hills of Florence, Italy.
Thanks for watching."

See thee EMthree label below for more of their products.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Moog Micromoog Synthesizer w/ Red Padded Moog Salesman Case & Bob Moog's Old Phone Number?

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Included is a rare Moog carrying case (possibly a salesman traveling case?) we've never seen another as well as the original technical and service manuals. Also included, stapled inside of the operation manual, is a small hand written note giving Bob Moog's phone number and address."

Sunday, September 19, 2021

V.A.I. 62 Welson Stereo Symphony / Maestro USS / Maestro Rhythmking 4 / Ekosynth

video upload by Vintage Audio Institute Italia

This appears to be the first post to feature the Meastro Rhythm King 4.

"The mighty Welson Stereo Symphony is a rare Italian string machine with modulation stereo capabilities that are quite unique.

The Maestro USS is the first multi- effect for guitars: phaser, envelope follower, octave follower, Sample and hold etc.

The Meastro Rhythm King 4 is a drum machine with a rhythmic, tremolo modulation - chopping up whatever sound source you give the input in the back."

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Univox Compac CP110 Synth Piano Keyboard w/ Original Gig Bag Case

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

This appears to be the first one posted on the site. There was a Compac 2 and CP115B you can find in previous posts here. The case was featured though.

"Stunning, vintage and made in Italy - the Univox CP-110 also known as the Compac Piano. Even the lettering is reminiscent of Pac-Man funnily enough.

This funky vintage keyboard features three presets that are all individually combinable to produce an array of different sounds. There is also a switch to change between a natural release or gated and controlled by the sustain pedal. Add your favorite guitar pedal to this thing and it will murder any digital piano you can find.

All functions are 100%. The volume pot could use some deoxit but other than that there are no issues to be had.

Included is the original, Italian bovine leather bag made just for the CP-110. These are getting hard to come by, and is a great collector’s piece to add to your studio for some vintage flare."

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Steelphon MAGO

video upload by

"Hello everybody my Hobby it's restore the old Combo organ and synth .
In this video i show you the test after restoration of rare Steelphon MAGO ."

This appears to be the first demo of the Steelphon MAGO. You can find pics of one posted here.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Best Ambient Synth Shootout #115: Wersi City Rack KF2 - Song 1

video upload by Christian's Sonic Spaces

"This is the first song with the City Rack KF2. There are virtually no any information online available about this rack unit. I think it was intended as a sound addition to an organ because that was Wersi's core business. Unlike Dr. Böhm who used Yamaha's FM chips for sound creation, Wersi used PCM sounds combined with reverb and ensemble effects.

I used for the recording the following FX chain:
HT-3000 - Pigtronix Echolution 2 Deluxe - GFI System Specular Reverb 2. Depending on the recorded track some FX are deactivated.

The signal went through a Presonus StudioLive 16.0.2 into the PC via USB for recording. To create the complete song I recorded consecutively several stereo tracks. The final song was then mastered with a bit EQ and compression on some tracks and some limiting on the master track."

This is the first post to feature the Wersi City Rack KF2.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Kramer Midi Synthesizer PITCHRIDER PR7000R & Instant Harmony by SMS Synthesizer

via this auction

This appears to be the first SMS Instant Harmony posted on the site. Anyone remember the SMS 2000? This isn't it. Details from the listing:

"Vintage Kramer Midi Synthesizer PITCHRIDER PR7000R Guitar Midi Interface only, no pickup and no power adapter, AND a vintage Instant Harmony by SMS synthesizer, no power adapter. I am parting out inherited stage performance equipment. This sale is for a Kramer Pitchrider 7000 Guitar Midi Interface by ivl Technologies and an Instant Harmony synthesizer by SMS. Neither of these items has a power adapter, so could not be tested. Both units have significant wear. All buttons seem functional, and all inputs seem OK. Items sold as is. Buyer pays shipping."

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Custom Micromoog Synthesizer with Extra Oscillator in Moog Lyra Concept Housing

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Curious how many of those cases exist.

You can find a mini Lyra in this post. The Lyra was part of the Constellation system which was to consist of the Lyra Solo Synthesizr, Apollo Polyphonic Synthesizer, and Taurus Bass Synthesizer. This case is rare.

Some notes from the listing:

"Hasn't been powered up in 20+ years.

Will require a thorough cleaning, calibration and repair (Broken 'Release' slide switch - see pics).

Additional MicroMoog Oscillator circuit is built on Vero Board.

Housing was purchased from Moog Music.

The Synth housing is an early Engineering design concept of the Moog Lyra

modified and adapted to house the MicroMoog main pc assembly,

extra MicroMoog Oscillator Circuit, Sonic VI [49 key] keyboard Subassembly and Power Supply."

Pic of the back inside below.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Emu SSM Modular 1 of 1

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"For sale is one incredibly rare (1 of 1) E-MU SSM modular based around the SSM voice demo board issued by E-MU. This was built by Gene Stopp (technician for ELP!!). As well as having all the features of the SSM voice demo board a 3rd CEM (curtis) based oscillator was added, along with a slew of other functions! Also included is a binder detailing each and every part of the build (schematics for added functions, schematics from E-MU etc). Undoubtedly the only one like this! The synth itself is has been tuned up and is 100% working.

This sale includes the E-MU mini-modular, binder with ALL documentation, and of course a power cord!"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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