MATRIXSYNTH: Complex oscillator comparison - Cosmotronic vs. Hexinverter

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Complex oscillator comparison - Cosmotronic vs. Hexinverter

video upload by John Schussler

"Unlike the Verbos and Sputnik complex oscillators I looked at last time [posted here], which are fairly straightforward, the Cosmotronic and Hexinverter complex oscillators are...definitely more complex.

They both add phase modulation to the wavefolder, and include more elaborate modulation buss control. Plus more intermodulation capabilities.

They're set up sufficiently differently that a direct feature-by-feature comparison would be hard to do in a sensible way. Or in under 3 hours. So this is really a long, meandering, very skip-around-able video to sample both flavors.

And when you're done, go listen to the Verbos and Sputnik. It's an interesting comparison.

Sequence: Stochastic IG. Envelope: Zadar

00:00 Intro
00:20 Vortex sequence
21:38 Vortex drone
28:28 Mindphaser sequence
47:22 Mindphaser drone"

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