MATRIXSYNTH: Striker 🙌 (Minilogue XD // Drumlogue + Microtubes X + Lethargy // DB01 Bassline)

Monday, May 01, 2023

Striker 🙌 (Minilogue XD // Drumlogue + Microtubes X + Lethargy // DB01 Bassline)

video upload by 2-Minute Warning

"I used 3 instruments with their internal sequencers for this electro / synthwave jam 😉

CHIMES: The 15-step chimes sequence is being played by the Korg Minilogue XD, hybrid (analog/digital) synth. I also used the Rerun SDK plugin from Sinevibes in order to add some random glitches on the sound.

BASS: The bass is being played by the Erica Synths DB-01 Bassline analog mono synth. I programmed a few patterns with different notes/feel. I also used the 'Accent' feature to make the sequences groove more (it can easily be heard on the intro).

DRUMS / ACID RIFF: The drums are coming from the Kord Drumlogue hybrid drum machine. It was also the opportunity to use its individual outputs (the little volume knobs don't work when using these outputs... really wish there was an easy way to fix this as the outputs are too hot for guitar pedals 😏).
The last acid-like sequence is from the Nano synth of the Drumlogue, going through the Darkglass Microtubes X (analog distortion) + Dreadbox Lethargy (analog phaser).

The DB-01 and Drumlogue Nano synth are both being ducked by the Pill Pedal (triggered by the 4 to the floor pattern of the Drumlogue).

* Hardware used *
- Korg Drumlogue: analog and digital drums, Nano synth (through Microtubes X distortion, Lethargy phaser and Pill ducking pedal).
- Korg Minilogue XD (+ Sinevibes Rerun): chimes
- Erica Synths DB-01 Bassline: bass"

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