MATRIXSYNTH: Arturia Matrix 12 V - Sound Bank '85

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Arturia Matrix 12 V - Sound Bank '85

video upload by Polydata

"The last great analog polysynth. The Oberheim Matrix-12 was a masterpiece of sound and engineering, and the Arturia Matrix-12 V is the only plug-in emulating this landmark instrument.

A bank of 30 patches drawing inspiration from synthesizer sounds found in documentaries and library music from the late 70’s and early 80’s. The goal was to highlight the beautiful and unique sound of this instrument. I've always loved the tone of this plug-in - it has it's own sonic character while still sounding like an Oberheim, and it's unlike anything that came before or after it.

Recorded completely dry with no external effects or processing.



00:00 Assembly Language
00:14 Battleground Ave
00:32 Boot Sequence
00:44 Calculus I
00:55 Camera Lens
01:07 CEM 3372
01:18 Clay Studio
01:31 Coliseum Map
01:45 Computer Lab
01:58 Concrete Assembly
02:10 Data Library
02:22 Data Organ
02:35 Dining Hall
02:47 Government Center
02:58 ISGP
03:11 Light Room
03:22 Midway to Loop
03:34 Multiplexer
03:45 News Van
03:56 Oberheim Technician
04:08 Plant Life
04:27 Pre-Snow
04:40 Quad
04:50 Rainy Window
05:03 Records Room
05:15 Research Boat
05:26 Rosemont
05:38 UHF Receiver
05:50 Video Rental Store
06:02 Z80"

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