MATRIXSYNTH: New Sonic Sand Castles' Audio Enjoyer XR-1 Groovebox Sneak Peak

Sunday, September 24, 2023

New Sonic Sand Castles' Audio Enjoyer XR-1 Groovebox Sneak Peak

video upload by Sonic Sand Castles

"A test jam with the xr-1 groovebox"

xr-1 909 groove test

"Testing applying a 909-style groove/swing in varying amounts on the xr-1"

via Reddit 2 days ago:

"Hey all, this is a prototype of the xr-1, a digital drum machine, sampler, and synthesizer. It’s powered by the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller.

It’s a 909 style sequencer (a step can be off, on, or accented), with 16 banks, 16 patterns per bank, 16 tracks per pattern, and a max of 64 steps per track.

There are 4 performance modes (tap, mute, solo, ratchet) and a song arrangement mode.

It has stereo in/out (usb audio in the future). It has 5-pin DIN MIDI I/O, 4 pairs of CV/gate outputs (really 8x CV outs with 0V to +10V range).

A micro SD card is used to store/recall audio samples and project data. Samples can be mono RAW or stereo WAV files. Mono samples can be looped.

There are 16 sample voices available, and 4 voices which can be used as synthesizer voices.

I currently only have a simple 2-oscillator subtractive synthesizer right now. More will be added later.

It has a capacitive touch keyboard which is useful for assigning notes to steps, playing while jamming, performing with ratchets at various beat divisions.

Lots more details to come.

I will be demoing this at the Machina Bristronica festival in Bristol next week (flying all the way from the metro Detroit area, first time overseas). If you’re able to make it, come by booth (My business name is Audio Enjoyer) and say hi.

I will launch a signup page later this month and post here again so you can sign up for more info."


  1. This looks beautiful can we buy prototypes to test and review??

  2. Please contact me at or on Instagram @bonemankhai if there’s any chance of early access or ways to support :)


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