MATRIXSYNTH: Uptempo jam with Midicake ARP, Dreadbox Nymphes, Moog Minitaur, Mother 32, MSW-810, DrumBrute Impact

Friday, March 22, 2024

Uptempo jam with Midicake ARP, Dreadbox Nymphes, Moog Minitaur, Mother 32, MSW-810, DrumBrute Impact

video upload by Jay Hosking

"A live synthesizer jam performed entirely on hardware.

I've had this chord progression kicking around for a little while, the product of a voice-leading exercise I was doing. I was super happy with it but never able to incorporate it into a larger arrangement. Recently, I realized I could just run the chord progression through the Midicake ARP and get some inspiration on the song arrangement, and sure enough, that was all it took (along with a few amazing synthesizers and effects). Really happy with where this one ended up.

Full disclosure: I cut and paste a previous drum fill to the outro drum fill, because I felt the outro drum fill didn't match the quality of the earlier one. Seemed a more judicious approach than recording the whole thing again.

Thanks for listening.

Dirtywave M8 - chord progression sequence
Midicake ARP - four-part sequencing arranger for the chord progression
Kenton MIDI Thru - MIDI Thru out to five devices
DrumBrute Impact through Empress EchoSystem - Drums
Moog Mother 32 through Kinotone Ribbons - Slower mono synth
Michigan Synth Works MSW-810 through Hologram Chroma Console - Faster mono synth
Moog Minitaur through Boss DM-101 - Bass synth
Dreadbox Nymphes through Empress Reverb - Pad synth

Performed and recorded live (minus that small drum edit) to a multitrack recording, with EQ, compression, and limiting on the master."

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