Wednesday, August 21, 2024

VCV Pluck

video upload by VCV Rack

"Available at

Each patch performed with and without drums (VCV Pluck solo).

Patch created by Simon Bader."

VCV Pluck - Stringed Out - madbrain

video upload by VCV Rack

"Patch created by madbrain"

"VCV Pluck

A physical modeling synthesizer simulates the acoustic properties of real instruments such as vibrating strings, resonating tubes, and struck surfaces. VCV Pluck uses DSP algorithms to model physical instruments with an intuitive interface to perform and fine-tune the sound. Musicians and sound designers can use this module to create familiar sounds or explore novel sounds beyond acoustic instruments.


Like many synth voices, VCV Pluck can be controlled by sequencers or MIDI sources via its V/OCT pitch and GATE inputs. If a polyphonic cable is patched to V/OCT, VCV Pluck generates a polyphonic voice. Optionally, patch a trigger signal into RETR if you need to retrigger the voice while the gate is active, which re-strikes the instrument even when playing legato notes. The VEL velocity input controls the intensity of sound from a 0–10 V signal. If VEL is unpatched, the voice’s intensity behaves like a 5 V velocity signal.

Enable HOLD to sustain the voice after the gate falls. This is useful for triggering percussive models like bells while allowing them to ring out completely, or for creating sustained drones."

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