MATRIXSYNTH: TMP-3-01 Vintage Synth TV Series from Benge

Thursday, December 05, 2024

TMP-3-01 Vintage Synth TV Series from Benge

video upload by Memetune Studio

00:00 Opening Titles
00:17 Introduction
01:27 Switched On 80s
15:30 Little Black Boxes
20:13 Commercial Break
23:19 Synthesiser Club
27:08 Patching Today
40:16 Video Lab
46:25 Outro

"Episode one of the third series of the TV program from Benge, made at his Memetune Electronic Music Studio

The series explores his passion for vintage synthesiser instruments and studio gear and how he uses them in his productions and collaborations


It is divided into the following sections:

SWITCHED ON 80s - This third series takes an in-depth look into six classic 80s synthesisers, selected because of their interesting and unique attributes

LITTLE BLACK BOXES - A further look at some classic rack mount studio gear of the 80s and 90s

SYNTHESISER CLUB - A short musical demonstration of a synthesiser classic or three, concentrating on 'families' of synths

COMMERCIAL BREAK - Some shameless Memetune shilling

PATCHING TODAY - A deep-dive into vintage modular systems and how to set up a patch on them, starting from scratch, this time using Cybersynthesis techniques to bring an element of surprise to the patches

VIDEO LAB - A look at old video equipment and how to create experimental visuals, concentrating on a specific device in each episode


In THIS episode:

SWITCHED ON 80s - A detailed look at the Korg Monopoly from 1981, and Benge unveils his virtual 80s studio environment

LITTLE BLACK BOXES - A look at four of the first true Little Black Boxes - not synths, but early digital reverberation units: the AMS RMX16, Quantec Room Simulator, Yamaha REV1 and the Lexicon Model 200

SYNTHESISER CLUB - Today, it's the Kawai Klub - the K4 synth, R-50 drum machine, Q-80 sequencer and K1m desktop synth. The drum machine and sequencer were very kindly donated to Memetune by a generous viewer called Alex 💕

COMMERCIAL BREAK - Some adverts for Memetune-related goodies, including the new Memetune Annual 2024, a Benge album on vinyl, and the range of Memetune merchandise

PATCHING TODAY - on the Serge Paperface system, and a modern recreation of the CGS Gated Comparator in Serge format made by Loudest Warning

VIDEO LAB - In this episode we take a deep dive into the legendary Panasonic MJ-MX50 Production Mixer from the mid-1980s



Benge's Studio Blog:

Memetune Studio Instagram: @memetunestudio

Benge & Memetune Merch on Bandcamp:


The MemeTune Programme Credits:
Everything in this video was created by B D Edwards (Benge)
All music, design, writing, filming and production completed at Memetune Studios, UK, 2024"

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Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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