"This is Drone 2.0, 4 voices with individual 1v/oct pitch control, each voice has a sine oscillator and a resonant filtered white noise that can be mixed together and controlled by CV, the mix of the 4 voices can also be controlled by CV. Finally it is also possible to control the FM range of the 1v/oct inputs via CV, allowing nice FM at audio rates in place of 1v/oct sequences.
"Using multiplexers for the inputs, the 2 ADCs of Teensy 4.0, shift registers for the outputs, I am able to sample 16 analog inputs at 44.1kHz each, and output 16 sigma-delta digital signals that can be filtered to produce analog signals up to 50Hz.
I am confident I can improve frequency and resolution of the outputs just with software, and will work on that later. For now this is enough for gates, triggers, CVs and LEDs.
This board is my platform for Eurorack modules, Motherboard 2. Everything will be available and documented on GitHub when I finalize a few more things.
"Welcome DRONE (v2) , if you haven't followed my progress DRONE is a 4 voices drone eurorack module built on my new v2 platform which is based on Teensy 4.0. This platform provides up to 8 audio rate analog inputs, dimmable LEDs, I2S audio, expandable via I2C, MIDI,...
Follow me on Instagram where I post often pictures of the work in progress, and on Bandcamp where you can listen to my albums and buy or subscribe to help me :)
"Welcome KICK and MIXER, KICK is based on my Eurorack signal processing platform. Based on Teensy 4.0, this platform provides up to 8 audio rate analog inputs, dimmable LEDs, I2S audio, expandable via I2C, MIDI,...
KICK is being triggered by an LFO/VCO, and both KICK and DRONE outputs are being mixed by MIXER, a 4 inputs mono to stereo mixer.
"DRONE v2 is the first of my modules to use my new Eurorack Teensy platform (I have yet to find a name for it). This platform provides up to 8 audio rate analog inputs, dimmable LEDs, I2S audio, expandable via I2C, MIDI,...
"DRONE is a modular 4 voices drone synthesizer using Teensy 4.0. I have been working on the v2 that is fully Eurorack compatible for a while and this is what I have now...
"This is revision 7 of Motherboard v2. I added an op amp in buffer mode in this one to solve an issue I found in previous prototype, a resistor divider ratio was being altered in some situations... The op amp is the tiny SMD chip at the beginning.
"This is the very first time I create a working prototype using multiple of my tactile keys.
Those who follow me on Instagram know by now that I've been working on making an entire tactile keyboard for quite some time. I tested many different designs for the keys, had a few failures, and recently it finally started to work.
The keys feature:
- very discreet
- 1 wire only per key
- pressure sensitive
The circuit to which the keys are connected is my current prototype of the MOTHERBOARD v2.0. It is based on Teensy 4.0.
SYNTH is a modular FM polyphonic synthesizer, based on Eurorack physical format it has however no patch cables in the front but has rather MIDI and audio jacks in the back.
It is based on my homemade platform Motherboard, everything is open-source.
"SYNTH is a modular FM synthesizer, based on eurorack physical format it has however no patch cables on the front but has rather midi and audio jacks in the back.
This product includes 1 front panel and the 2 necessary back pcb.
Colour option:
You have the choice of simple black (1 side) or bicolour (2 sides, just flip it) black/white or black/aluminum.
Note that the white is done with the silkscreen layer and the 'aluminum' is done with the copper layer so it is not perfectly flat as shown on pictures compare to the black that is the base board colour.
I took the photos on an angle on purpose to increase the imperfections, however they are not as strong when looking the panel straight."
SYNTH is a modular FM polyphonic synthesizer, based on eurorack physical format it has however no patch cables in the front but has rather midi and audio jacks in the back.
DRONE is a modular 4 voices drone synthesizer, based on eurorack physical format it has however no patch cables in the front but has rather midi and audio jacks in the back.
"Here is a demo of DRONE being controlled by MIDI, in this case I use an UC33 connected to a laptop and the laptop is sending MIDI over USB to DRONE.
DRONE is a drone synth base on MOTHERBOARD6. I've been working on adding MIDI CC callbacks to the MOTHERBOARDs and it's now easy to catch MIDI CC messages and do anything with them.
Additionally I've made a web editor that allows to set the MIDI CC values for each available param of a module just by connecting it by USB.
As a reminder, I've built 3 MOTHERBOARDs which are modular pcbs that I use to create all my modules. They are modular in the way that they allow to build all sorts of modules out of the same PCBs. They also come with a base code that abstracts the low level electronics components handling which makes it easy to code any module on top of it.
If you want to learn more about my modules and the MOTHERBOARDs, check them on GitHub, all code is open source:
PSYC03, alias PerCussive SYnth 03, is the result of the combination of a Syncussion and a TB303, an acid percussive synth. It is based on my Motherboard9 platform.
"I'm adding some new functionality to my modules, this is still a work in progress but will be soon available.
The modules can now easily listen to MIDI CC messages and use them to control anything. Additionally I am working on a web editor to be able to configure all the MIDI settings.
For this demo I also pimped CYCLE and added a 'MIDI CC scale' in which mode it sends CC messages instead of notes.
"Clear 12" thick stereo lathe cut record with 2 sides printed jacket, made in Canada.
Your copy is unique: The jacket will be signed with your name and identified with the copy's number on the back. You can send me a message if you wish to specify a different name.
Limited edition: Very short run of 5 copies only.
Includes unlimited streaming of ODYSSEY via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more."
"In this video I demonstrate CYCLE and PSYC03 capabilities.
Both modules are based on Teensy 4.0, connected together via midi jack in the back. My modules are based on Eurorack physical format but have however no patch cables in the front but rather midi and audio jacks in the back.
CYCLE is a modular monophonic sequencer. It is based on my Motherboard12 platform.
Code on GitHub: https://github.com/ghostintranslation/cycle
PSYC03, alias PerCussive SYnth 03, is the result of the combination of a Syncussion and a TB303, an acid percussive synth. It is based on my Motherboard9 platform.
"I finally 'finished' my custom synth SimpleSynth.
SimpleSynth is a Teensy based synth with the main objective to keep it simple (code wise and hardware wise).
Timestamps at the bottom!
In this demo I was sending MIDI notes via USB to the synth and I recorded the audio raw coming also through USB.
- FM, AM and Ring synthesis with 1 carier and 1 modulator
- Polyphonic synth, Arpeggiator and Drone modes
- Controllable modulator gain and frequency
- Controllable Attack, Decay, Release
- MIDI over USB
- MIDI through the Hobbytronics USB Host Board Controller
- Audio jack output
- Audio over USB
I used a Teensy 3.2 because Teensy 4.0 is not yet capable of all the USB possibilities and will be ready in a few months probably. So I will post an update when I test it with Teensy 4.0.
Stay in touch
Bandcamp - http://ghostintranslation.bandcamp.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ghostintranslation/
00:10 Raw audio demo start
00:12 Release
00:32 Attack
00:48 Decay
01:13 Synth FM
01:15 Modulator amplitude
01:22 Modulator Frequency
02:35 Synth FM x10
03:50 Synth AM
04:20 Synth AM x10
04:55 Synth Ring
05:38 Arpeggiator
05:50 Arp Time
06:30 Drone
06:35 Drone Frequency
07:24 Drone with reverb
09:18 Weird Ambiant with reverb
10:08 Synth with reverb