Showing posts with label Tobinski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tobinski. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tobinski Sequencer - Glitch Control

video upload by Tobinski

"Using CV Out 2 and 4 to control the Loop Start Point of Sequencers 1 and 3 plus the Strobe buttons to either manually or automatically generate glitchy chaotic patterns. The Tempo CV is being controlled by Sequencer 3 plus 4 CV Out."

Friday, January 10, 2025

Tobinski Sequencer - Complex Pattern Generation

video upload by Tobinski

"A quick example patch to show how the Tobinski Sequencer can be internally routed to create longer more complex patterns.

This is just an example of some of the flexibility of this sequencer. Much more complex patterns can be created using the direction inputs and summed CV outs etc. but hopefully this gives an idea of the kinds of techniques that can be used."

via Tobinski

4-Channel Analogue Sequencer: A Playable and Experimental Powerhouse

This 4-channel analogue sequencer is designed for immediacy, playability, and creative experimentation. With a simple, clean layout, it invites exploration while offering deep functionality for crafting complex evolving patterns. Whether you're composing intricate melodies, generating modulation, or experimenting with unconventional rhythms, this sequencer is designed to be fun and inspiring.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dannysound / Tobinski System Test

video upload by Dannysound

"Testing the system for Superbooth 24 - The new modules also feature a name change as the brand is slowly moving over to Tobinski.
New modules due to be released this year are:

Sequencer - 2 banks of 8 voltage sliders, each bank referenced by 2 independent 8 step sequencers for a total 4 sequencers. Each sequencer features start and end loop points plus external clock inputs. The sequencer has 8 voltage outputs, 6 gate outputs plus transport controls for the internal clock.

Sequencer Expander - Adds a host of extra functions to control each of the 4 sequencers. Including CV over loop start and end points, gate length, step order and many more...

Dual LFOs - 2 LFOs with 16 waveform types. One LFO can be synced to a clock while the other resets to an incoming pulse, plus cv and cross-modulation options for all parameters.

Harmonic Timing Generator - Can be used as a Harmonic Oscillator or Harmonic LFO that can clock each the 4 sequencers in the Sequencer module. The module features multiplier inputs x2, x3, x5 and x7 to multiply the internal oscillator or external sources. It also has 3 outputs for the multiplied waveforms that can be CV or manually addressed using the pushbutton switches or pots.

Interpolating Scanner - Internally connected to the Harmonic Timing Generator and features not only an 8 input scanner with CV options but also has 8 VCAs that act separately from the scanner with their own outputs, plus mixer outputs for ODD, ALL and EVEN for both the scanner and VCAs to allow for stereo effects among other possibilities.

Dual LPG/VCA - 2 x LPG/VCAs in one 6hp module that combine the Dannysound MM VCA based on the classic Mini Moog VCA and also the classic Buchla LPG design (used throughout this clip!) so famous for it's acoustic tone.

Come say hello at Superbooth, I'll be in the Bungalow Dorf with some other great manufacturers!"

sequencer sync

video upload by Dannysound

"Sequencer synced to malekko varigate 8 doing the drums and resetting the bass line coming from sequencer CH1. Voltage block is controlling the step order of sequencer CH3 that does the percussion sounds.
Percussion and bass sounds from the EN129 and Cali oscillators using Timbre and Dual LPG/VCA modules. Drum compression using the Dynamics with some added noise to glue the drums together a bit."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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