Friday, August 17, 2007

Edgar Froese of Tangerine Dream's PPG 340/380

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

"340 A Generator Unit
340 B Prozessor Unit
380 Event Generator
2 Terminals
2 Computer Keyboards
all racked in a silver aluminium flightcase.
This system is former owned by Edgar Froese from Tangerine Dream (s. label on flightcase)"

via swissdoc

Steelphon S900 synthesizer demo

YouTube via aemmezero.

"A little demo of my vintage monophonic Steelphon Synth, made in Italy in 1973."

Follow up to this post. via insektgod.


via Mark: "Darkbeat: An Electro World Voyage aims to recognize the genre of music known as Electro. [...] The film expands on the past, present and future uses of technology and its influence that have defined sounds of groundbreaking acts and future generations of producers. [...] From the underground raves to the continuous use of sampling in today’s popular music, machines such as Roland 808 Drum, MPC60, & Moog are shown as staples of creating the captivating beats of Electro and live performances."
Title link takes you to the Darkbeat website.

Darkbeat: An Electro World Voyage Trailer

There's another one prior to this called "Electro Dziska"

Electro Dziska

PARASITES by the squarewave parade

"i would like to introduce the PARASITES. the PARASITES are intended to be used as both "circuit bending plugins" ( think VST's for speak & spells and casio's) as well as "lo-fi mini synth modules" that will all run off of a wide range of readily available power supplies. the first batch of PARASITES are now available in the store. i have pages, photos, details and some rough samples posted for them as well. you will find links for everything from the main page.

i have also added a PARASITE section on the new message board to help everyone figure out how to use and install them, so put it to use. there is a little added spam protection during the registration, the extra authorization code it asks for is: +!Ck73dP1nK

tons of new stuff on the way !!!"

Turn an analog modelling synth into a drum machine - MS2000

YouTube via williamenroh.
Update: renamed: Episode 1:Turn an analog modelling synth into a drum machine

"This is the first episode of Inside Synthesis. It's a tutorial on how use a Korg MS2000 as a drum machine, but you'll still be able to play bass and lead lines over it."
Be sure to check out inside synthesis

Phenomena (Goblin)

YouTube via aemmezero.

Do not miss the Steelpone S900 Synthesizer. Great sounding synth and a great performance.

Sent my way via insektgod who had the following to say:

"It's in Italian but the music is universal...
Steelphone S900 Synthesizer
Roland 505
Korg PolySix
Ensoniq ESQ-1
Yamaha Motif
There's even some oscilloscope thrown in. I really like the "I nailed it" move at the end."

Alesis Andromeda A6 07 - A6 Demo Track

Title link takes you to the track via Roland Oberheim.

Gear Addict Clothing - Synth Ts

via Jordan:
"I've always had a hard time finding cool t shirts and stuff to wear so I went on some forums and started talking to people-- and found out that people have a hard time finding cool gear too. I hate all the generic t's I see in trendy we started brainstorming, put together some ideas, and i made some designs.

Our designs range from microphones and recording related, to analog gear, vintage and modular synths, theremins and other fun stuff. I am constantly talking to people in the community on forums and making new designs. We are a small community so why not help each other out.

I figure Matrixsynth would be a great place to get ideas and suggestions from people, as well as great exposure for the kinds of people we are trying to design shirts and other accessories for. Above sales is the community-- we design shirts by and for our small little niche, and would like to try to extend out to more people."

If you have any ideas feel free to comment or shoot Jordan an email at gearaddict at

Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 Rev 1 Samples

The following in via an anonymous reader:

rev1-response-to-pro8.m4a (2.1mb)
rev1-response-to-pro8.aif (9.4mb)

This is a 54 second 5 note chord performed on a rev 1 Prophet-5 as a response to the 10 (or so) 2 minute demos featuring the prototype Prophet-8. I feel it sums up many of the beautifully subtle features of the SSM revs that helped make the Prophet-5 the legend that it is.

Some technical notes:
Chord: F1,F2,F4,Ab4,C5 held for ~53 seconds (F2 is released ~ 0:18 for LFO mod) OSC 1 tuned to a 4th above OSC 2 (~3), both SAWs Filter EG A8 D10 S6 R4 (1 voice has a faster EG for effect and because it can) Cutoff 1, Resonance 7, E Amount 4 Amp EG A0 D0 S10 R5 LFO FREQ 6, TRI mod FREQ 2

Only a plate style reverb (t.c. electronics) was used, no external dynamics. Note the harmonics through the sweep and low end (if your speakers can render it!)"

Roland SH-09 Analog Synthesizer

YouTube via AutomaticGainsay. Previously...
"Here is a demonstration of the functionality and sound of the Roland SH-09."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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