Saturday, December 20, 2008

Livewire Vulcan Modulator Expansion DIY Mod

Livewire Vulcan Modulator Expansion DIY Mod from noise source on Vimeo.
"Sorry for the TERRIBLE video quality first and foremost. (cheap point and click + knowing nothing of video conversion = that crap)

I took the jumpers from the back of the PCB that select the waveforms used in the Max, Min, Sum & Diff outputs on the front of the unit & Attached them to eight 3-way on-on-on switches for real time control of the waveform mixes."
You can find more info and images on noisesource

Moog Polymoog

via this auction

Update via Reed in the comments: "I used to have one like that: a Polymoog Synthesizer that said 'Polymoog Keyboard' on the front panel. What's the story with that?"

Update via unfrostedpoptart in the comments: "As to Reed's question, the first units were called "Polymoog Keyboard". Moog later came out with the preset model and stole the name Keyboard for it and renamed the existing model the Polymoog Synthesizer."

Arp Avatar

via this auction

Moog Source

via this auction

"This was the replacement for the minimoog in 1981 and sounds incredible for bass and leads. Truly a sonically perfect monophonic synthesizer."

Alesis Ion

via this auction

ARP 2600

via this auction
"It is a 2601 model and features the Arp 4072 filter. It is a really lovely sounding machine. The modules inside are not encapsulated, making it very easy to service. This is one of the more desirable 2600s in that along with not having encapsulated modules, Arp used better jacks on this model, that were hand-wired to the circuit boards. All slider caps are present, as is the original lid for the 2600 console and the keyboard. The keyboard is a 3604-P version, and works well. All keys trigger just fine. The keys are all a little stiff, but everything seems to work just fine (I mostly use the 2600 with step sequencers)."

Roland Jupiter-8

via this auction

Inside a Roland Jupiter-8

ROLAND SUPER JV-1080 with House Expansion

via this auction


Note the EXP B-D in the bottom shot.

KORG Mono/Poly with Blue LEDs

via this auction
"New wood sides (solid oak) have been manufactured for this particular MonoPoly to replace the cheap particle board that the original ones have making it much more sturdy... THIS MONOPOLY HAS BEEN MODDED!!! All LEDs have been replaced with Blue ones so that it brings new life in a modern and ultra cool way!

This is one highly underrated synth! With the cv/gate control and the modulation section alone, one could perform many miraculous sounds!"

Atomo Synth Abyssal

via this auction

"this is the "Abyssal" analog photo-noise-machine & oscillating-filter
This synth features one square and saw waveform VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) with a huge pitch range, from subsonic to ultrasonic sound controlled by a big photocell (pitch control) allowing to play it like a photo Theremin.
One square and triangle waveform LFO (low frequency oscillator), that can modulate the VCO for the vibrato effect creating arcade Atari-like sounds; and also can modulate the filter creating a resonant tremolo effect.
One white noise generator that modulates the frequency of the VCO.
Voltage controlled vactrol filter with the classical cut off and resonance controls that produces unique, weird effects, also capable to process external audio signals.
It has a 1/4 inch audio output, 1/4 inch Line Audio Input, 1 big photocell. Also the instrument includes a green ultra bright LED tentacle to provide light for the photo cell, very useful when playing it on a dark stage.
The Abyssal synth is packed in a clear acrylic case that shows all the handmade analog circuitry.
The instrument is powered directly from 110V or 220V AC.
Dimensions: 170 mm (W), 170 mm (D), 75mm (H. included rubber feet and knobs). LED tentacle length: 500mm"

"For sound samples, video demos and extra large pictures please visit my blog:


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