Thursday, March 16, 2006

New Moog?

Another tease? : )

Image cutesy of sizzlemeister on this HC thread.

Korg K-Series & PadKontrol on One Blue Monkey

Title link takes you there. Video link under date under title.


XPass Filter by Analog-Lab

They make an XPass Filter, Fluid Preamp and Vocoder X-32.

Update: Here's a link to some info on the X-32 in English.

Here Again - Stefan Trippler

New track by Stefan Trippler. Sick, sick, sick! Features the Mono Evolver Keyboard and Stylus RMX. Title link takes you there - 2.64M mp3.

Make sure to check out for more samples and shots including a much bigger shot of the above. Man, I love that shot.

SubtleNoiseMaker and the Zebranologic

Remember the Peruvian Zebranalogic? Well it looks like Sascha Renner picked one up. Title link takes you to a post on his brand new blog SubtleNoiseMaker. The Zebranologic isn't as shiny/polished as I was expecting, but that clear case is cool. Samples will be coming. I'll be subbing to his blog so hopefully I'll see the samples when they come in. I added SubleNoiseMaker to my blogroll on the right as well. Thanks Sascha!

Update: samples are in.

Toys - New Flickr Shot

Moog Etherwave Theremin. Shot by TheWaz.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Stacked Synth Shots

Some killer shots from this thread. Sent my way via Dennis Verschoor.

Prophet 5 Armada

Yamaha CS80-Go-Round

OSCar Ladder

Jupiter-8s - Just Lounging Around

The Boys Club - Anyone gotta light?

Title link takes you to more shots on

Bob Moog Tribute Concert - UK March 25

Title link takes you there.

New Moog Will be a Keyboard?

On Sound and Sound: "Turnkey and Moog were remaining tight-lipped on this, but they were heard to say ‘Brian will have the keyboard with him, yes’."

Moog Clue #2

Also check out this new shot on the Moog website. Looks like wood end cheeks to me. I ran into this on Music Thing catching up this morning.

Update: Grabbing the text from Moog for the clue #2 shot above before it is gone.

"Could it be Wood? It must be a Boomerang...

Clue # 2

Two weeks until the Musik Messe and Moog’s new product unveiling - but why wait. Take a look at your next clue now.

Feel like discussing the hints with a community of creative and intelligent folks?

If so, Join our Moog Forum!"

Twiddle - New Flickr Shot

Yamaha CS1x. Shot by hazabaza.

I remember picking up this synth when it came out because it was so cheap. Surprisingly it's a great little synth. I'm not the biggest PCM fan, so it actually stood out with my non-PCM gear. Very crisp and squelchy sounding synth. Icy strings as well. Cool to see it being used like this. Jazz is cool.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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