Thursday, June 08, 2006

Dwarf by Stefan Trippler

"Multitracked MEK, drums from Spectrasonics Stylus and Steinberg LM4" Title link takes you to a 5.05M MP3 by Stefan Tripper.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Music Technology Labs at Evergreen State College

Ok, this is one of those "how the heck did I not know about this before" posts. Title link takes you to the pics page of The Music Technology Labs at Evergreen State College right in my back yard so to speak. They have Buchla, EMU and more. Thanks to for this one. Funny that I found out about this via Moogulator all the way over in Germany. : ) Thank you Moogulator!

P.S. I see a cat in the shot.

SuperCatDeluxe2 by Spookeyman

Title link takes you to a track title SuperCatDeluxe2 by Spookeyman on VSE. Note the cat. : ) I thought it was a pretty cool track and a good example of the synths listed below.

"Again...i took part to a "one instrument" competition. The only synths that were allowed are : Korg MS-50, Korg MS-20 or Korg MS-10.

I have the last, the little one VCO/ENV/Filter MS-10.

The Drum Machine that i used is the Roland CR-68, and the effect is a Roland RE-201. Thats all. No sequencer, or modulation effect."

Track also saved here.

Blackstrobe Studios Synth Manuals and More

Title link taks you to the Blackstrobe Studios synth manuals page. I ran into the site looking for an Arp Axxe patch sheet for UNIT-Sound in the comments of this Synthwire post, and my previous post. Note, that the list of manuals on the page appear to be links to other sites hosting the manuals. It's cool that they didn't just copy the manuals down and host them themselves, but via links would be nice. : ) Regardless, the links are there if we need them.

Yellow Arp Axxe

Title link takes you to more on Synthwire.

Mutek Montreal 2006

Title link takes you to some shots of Mutek Montreal 2006 sent my way via Mike Jerugim. It looks like it was a great show. For more on Mutek in general, click here - note the language links on the top right of each festival.

"Thought you might want to see some of the pics that I posted from the Mutek festival in Montreal last Sunday Night. I had to leave after the second act, as the subways were going to stop running, but hopefully you'll get the idea. It was really inspiring to see an electronic music scene that was so alive and vibrant. They truly appreciated the music that (thankfully) was not 100% boom boom techno. It really felt like this crowd was sophisitcated in their tastes, and generally accepting of music that most neophytes might consider a bit "challenging". My hat is off to the Mutek organizers, performers, and most of all the Montreal audiences. They were simply great. I can't wait to come back next year!!!"

Hey, what's wrong with boom boom techno? : P

Pearl Syncussion SY1

Simon (... snafu ...) posted this piece along with a few others he has on auction to the AH list. Title link takes you to a few more shots he sent my way. Some notes from the auction:

"it has been modded, so that each (of the two) voices hast a single output."

"in the 70s it became famous, because it was used to make these wierd disco-sounds bioooouuuuu biiiiuuuuuu - but behind those cheezy sounds there is a hidden gem not many know about... i have been told, that it can do very cool bass-drum hits, that can ever out-boom the TR909 (that is why i bought it :-)."

Nice description snafu. : )

It's interesting how this looks a lot like a Roland. Anyone know if there is any connection there? The shots of it on it's side, however, make it look completely different. I'd love to hear some samples of this as well. If anyone knows of any, please post in the comments. I asked Simon if he had any, so we'll see. I also tried Audio Playground's Virtual Drummachine page and no go.

Update via zerozeroisland in the comments:

"The syncussion is great! In addition to all the 70's disco sounds, it's capable of a lot more. Skinny Puppy used it in the early days and it's definitely useful for very aggressive, heavy sounds...

if you have a copy of Reason, here is a refill for the Redrum drum machine of some amazing sy-1 sounds: link"

Modular Based on Ray's Modular Circuits by Lanxe

Two shots of a custom modular based on Ray Wilson's Modular Circuits, built by lanxe. The shots come from this electro-music post.

"The top row is all ray's circuits and the second row has a few of his modules (a couple of state variable filters, two envelope generators, two dual vca's and two oscillators)

The keyboard is rays matrix scanning circuit added to an old hammond keyboard donor.

i just bought some sheet aluminum, cut and milled it, had it anodized black and cnc engraved the lettering...........about $80 for all 8 module panels.

There is still alot on his site i have yet to explore"

Title link takes you to Ray's Soundlab page.

Update via Pickleinn in the comments: "yeah, this is mine (lanxe). i have done a lot more diy synth stuff since this post. you can see most of it here: in the pictures section under synth. or here"

MOS-LAB Moog Modular Clone

Sébastien in France sent me info on a Moog Modular clone he is building. He is considering making more of these for sale. Title link takes you his site with more info and shots. Currently he has the following listed:

921a Oscillator
921b Oscillator
902 VCA
904a Low Pass Filter
911 Envelope Generator

It will be interesting to hear how these sound and compare to the real deal.

OMD Electricity on YouTube

Just love this song. It reminds me of everything synth.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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