Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Buchla - New Flickr Shots

more from arrrika.

According to rick of electricmusicbox, "thats the buchla 406 ( keyboard equipted 400) from Cantos.. i know that instrument well as I spend alot of time at Cantos."

Korg MicroKontrol

Gorgeous shot of a Korg MicroKontrol on CDM. Title link takes you to the post.

Wine Country Sequential Prophets

I recevied the following from Wine Country Sequential today. You might think the price is higher than one you can find elsewhere, but realize the piece of mind you get when buying one of these. A few years ago, I purchased a "perfect condition Prophet 5" of the bay. Of course it wasn't and it had a number of major problems I sent it to a tech who couldn't fix it, then off to Wine Country. It was so hosed I was left with the option of continuing on trying to repair it, paying for each step on the way, or trading it in towards a Wine Country Perfect Prophet. I traded it in and never regretted it. Had I known then what I know now I would have just gone for the Wine Country Prophet 5. It's been a few years and my Prophet 5 is still as good as new.


June 12, 2006

Thank you for your previous interest in purchasing a Prophet from Wine

A Restored & Warranted Prophet-5 Revision 3.3 in excellent condition with
operations manual, 120 original factory programs, 61 new rubber keystops
and a Certificate of Restoration is now available for $2398.

A Restored & Warranted Prophet VS with original operations manual, original
factory programs, VSROM#6 Cartridge, Final Version 1.2 ROMs & Certificate of
Restoration is now available for $1898.

Visit for pictures and details.

All Prophets are 110/220VAC switchable. Contact us for Terms of Payment.

Thank you for your previous interest, and best of luck with your music.

Kind regards from California,
David Sesnak
General Product Manager

Untitled - New Flickr Shot

flickr by bobcat rock.

Analog Desires - New Flickr Shot

flickr by tangent.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Ebay Ads

You might notice the addition of Ebay ads to the right. I finally got around to checking out their affiliate program. Feel free to check them out because obviously if you do and actually buy something I get a cut. : ) Same with any other ads on the site. The funny thing is advertising aside, I'm actually looking forward to seeing what comes up in the ads. I might find some good synth shots for posts, and who knows you might find something you are looking for. I currently have it set to search for Synth minus CDs. I'll have to tweak it over time to filter out the garbage. I'm also going to see if they have anything else worth putting up, but believe me I will only put useful stuff up, not pop-ups or giant banners, I promise. Anyway hope you all don't mind. I really am looking forward to seeing what sorts of stuff comes up. Also, the right bar of the site is meant for advertising, archives, the search box, archives and some recommended reading. The body of the page and the header will stay the same so the same amount of content will always be on top. And of course if any advertisers out there want to advertise on the site, shoot me an email. Highest bidder gets the highest spot on the right, currently that would be no one. : ) Feel free to comment.

EAR Modular Videos

Title link takes you there. Click on the images to launch videos when you get there.

"This guy posted the video links to these -- 5 Quicktime videos of Alessandro Cortini's (Nine Inch Nails) combination Livewire/Plan B modular synth. Apparently, the guy who posted this is a pcb stuffer for Livewire and could not reveal the system's owner."

Via cebec.

Update: Looks like new posts are coming in and moving the video posts down the list. Here are the links for the archives: one, two, three, four, five. Do check out the other shots via the main link as well.


Title link takes you to Twango. What is it? In short it's a place where you can share media including photos, videos and... audio. Why am I posting this? Because I can't stand free file sharing sites that require you to run through an advertising obstacle course just get to the file you want. We now have an alternative. Check it out. Twango is free, simple to use and easy to share. It's still in Beta, so there are bound to be some quirks, but I just tried it for my previous post and it was pretty painless. Here's my Twango share. Obviously, I will only be posting stuff that currently does not have a home there. Media on other people's sites belong on their sites. How did I find out about Twango? I know one of the guys behind it. BTW, this is not a paid advert. I'm posting this because I checked it out and I think we have a need for this sort of site. It beats the ad laden file sharing sites. Check it out for yourself. If you have any comments, you know where to post them. You'll notice I used Twango to host Scott Metzger's mp3 in my previous post.

Files here

Endless Weekend by Scott Metzger

Scott Metzger sent me a nice track featuring the Clavia Nord Lead 3, Yamaha CS-80, Moog Voyager, and Roland Jupiter-8.

"My music is under the name of bUTCHER. The song is called Endless Weekend. You can listen to other songs on myspace, which is here.

It starts off with a nordlead 3 which continues throughout the song. Then the drum samples start up via Logic Pro. The melodies, and chorus are CS-80 (the CS-80 chorus effect is amazing). Bass line is Moog Voyager, and I am using a Jupiter 8 which enters at 2:23 in the song."

Title link takes you to the mp3. You can check out Scott Metzger's MySpace site here.

Korg DW6000 256 Waveform Mod

Title link takes you to a 2.2M AVI of the mod by Chris Strellis. That's a he's using to play through the 256 waveforms.

Update: Also check out Chris Strellis' video on the Poly 800 Slayer Mod.

Udpate via Chris in the comments:

You wanted more info?

You got it!



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