Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Retarded Animal Babies - 11

Title link takes you to a flash toon via Dave of the classic synth comic strip, The Packrat.

WARNING: This is not The Packrat. It's Retarded Animal Babies. A whole different ballgame. If you are easily offended skip this one. It's a flash toon filled with obscene language, nudity and... synths. Not work safe. If you are not easily offended enjoy.

Synths: Nord, Roland JD800, Moog, Roland Jupiter 8, Triton Extreme, Roland JX-3P?, Yamaha DX7, Access Virus Keyboard, Waldorf Yellow Q, Oberheim, Korg, and a Roland Axis MIDI controller if you pick the donkey at the end.

The Thomas Henry XR VCO

"The XR VCO is a voltage controlled oscillator based off of the XR2206 function generator IC. It was designed by Thomas Henry in June of 2006, and is presented here for the enjoyment of all. Feel free to build it, modify it and apply it to any of your DIY projects."

Title link takes you there. You will find samples and more. Be sure to check out the left nav when you get there. Via cp productions where you will find more samples. Also note this modular had XR VCOs.

Hartmann Neuron VS

You don't see these too often. Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction. Unfortunately they aren't the greatest shots, but, there you have it. Nice packaging.

Moog Taurus II Pedals

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction. They aren't the greatest shots, however I thought this one was kind of interesting. I didn't realize the unit itself was the case.

Oberheim OB-8

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

modular synth diy

Title link takes you to matthias [fonik] herrmann's modular synth DIY site where you will find more info on this modular along with samples.

via sendling

Ryuichi Sakamoto & his Fairlight 1984

Ryuichi Sakamoto of YMO. Be sure to check out the YMO videos in these posts as well. Via DVDBORN, where you will also find this interesting Japanese clip featuring the Fairlight CMI Series 2..

360 Systems SEMs?

Title link takes you to a post on which alludes to this 360 Systems Spectre module as being an Oberheim SEM in disguise. If you know anything about this unit, feel free to comment.

BTW, check out for a few other tasty synth posts including the Akai AX60 and Roland S330 editing interface.

Update via retrosynth in the comments:
"It's an SEM along with some really poor pitch to CV tracking and an envelope follower thrown in. There's normally a cable for a hex pickup on the far left but on this unit the cable had been cut. This unit had the CV/gate output jacks switched to CV/gate inputs. Unfortunately the amplitude envelope is modified for input from the envelope follower so it only has an attack control, no decay or sustain. It could easily be fixed though. Pictures of the internals here.

Update via Sequenberheim in the comments:
"I worked there.
It tracked even worse than you say.
It was the SEM module. They had a deal with Oberheim to buy and use them.

They didn't have much for gear archives but they did have the very rare 6 SEM guitar synth there too. It was 6 separate SEM modules with 6 of the pitch glitchers as I called them.

They also made a programable parametric EQ that is very rare. The 360 frequency shifter is a rare one too."

Phelios / Stephen Parsick @ Wuppertal 24.11.2006

flickr via Moogulator.

This was previously posted on Moogulator's, but I skipped it at the time. It just keeps coming back so I think it's some sign that I must post it. I just love the color in the shot and the Technics WSA1 always intrigued me. The Prophet VS isn't too shabby either.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mammal - These are the Salad Days of the Future

YouTube via channelbenjie. Sent my way via frederic.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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