Sunday, January 14, 2007

Metal Banjo

Click here for a 5.1M mp3, featuring nothing but the Buchla 200e by Matt. I asked Matt if I could put it up along with a mirror, and he gave the all clear. I thought the title was kind of funny because nearly every time I put up a 200e sample, a certain someone comments on how it sounds like a banjo. Apparently Matt named this track because he read the comments too. Too funny. : ) Enjoy the track.

Previous 200e posts
Matt's "la belle aurore" featuring more Buchla - really good stuff.

Korg ER-1 Disk?

Check out these two shots pulled via this auction. Look at the disk. Mine didn't come with one. Apparently it has a copy of the owner's manual.

JSH Pro Rhythm Mini Synth

No title link. Just two shots pulled via this auction.

Anyone know more about these?
Update via RyBread in the comments:
"They're a percussion synth that was marketed for actual drummers. the mounts allowed it to be mounted to a drum stand for live use. The Schemo can be found at [link].

I've been trying to find the time to build one for more than a year now."

DK Synergy

I just put this one up on MATRIXSYNTH-B, and decided to put it up here as well, as you just don't see these come up often. The DK Synergy is 100% digital, but the one I played sounded very warm - very nice.

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

This one being sold by 123synthland.

Prophei on YouTube

prophei - mono/poly through xtreme filter

prophei - tr-808 being spanked by my 188-2 bbd delay

[This one reminded me of an Ultravox tune. I forget the name of the track.]

prophei - dual cyclotron fun

[note the cwejman modules]

Title link takes you to more.

MOOG Taurus Ownders and Service Manual

Click here for a pdf of the owners and service manual courtesy of Dennis.

Orbit III Synthesizer

flickr by ncwdigital010.

Hammond organ and synth on top. The caption reads Orbit III Synthesizer. Anyone know more about this one?

Title link takes you to one more.

Doug Curtis Obit

And it's confirmed...

"Douglas Curtis

Passed gently from this world on January 10 following a five month battle with pancreatic cancer. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, and mourned by extended family including two sisters, two nephews and a niece.
Doug is known to the music industry as the founder of Curtis Electromusic Specialties where he developed twenty signal-processing products for electronic music synthesizers and audio equipment. He holds three patents for various elements of his signal processing methodology. Several more patents in his name are assigned for chips designed into various commercial products.
When the advent of digital technology and software changed the electronic music industry, Doug broadened his focus beyond synthesizers forming OnChip Systems. He was recently inducted in to the San Jose Rocks Hall of Fame.
Doug was known for his intelligence, love of family and nature, and his steadfastness. A funeral mass will be held at St. Mary's Church in Los Gatos. Donations in his honor may be directed to PANCAN."

via Det3.

DACS FREQue II Ring Modulator with Oscillator

DACS FREQue II Details
FREQueII (pronounced FREAK) two ring modulators and two oscillators with external CV inputs which work concurrently with the internal variable FM. Frequency Shifting adds and subtracts the oscillator frequency to the frequency of each harmonic component of the music inputs, and outputs them separately - the possibilities are virtually infinite. Balanced inputs and outputs.

Title link takes you to DACS. Description via Front End Audio.

via Doktor Future in the comments of this post.

Matrixsynth by JAmes

Yamaha TX81Z

Title link takes you to one more shot.

It's also up for auction.

Thanks JAmes!

Previous Matrixsynth by posts

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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