Saturday, July 28, 2007

Live Analog. ARP2600, Korg MS10&20

YouTube via tomwave2600.
" for more. Live performence with my analog gizmos."
Note there are mp3 downloads of some tracks including the end track of this video.

02.06.2006 - rock am ring (2)

flickr by hurti1000.

Sent my way via Jason

The drummer of Tool, Danny Carey with an EMS Synthi

Building a Robot

YouTube via robotmakers. Also see this post.
"The Robotmakers new video "Building a Robot" was filmed on location at their mysterious superterranean lair. Secrets are revealed, but questions are left unanswered."

Ratty Roland SH-1000 Rebirth

YouTube via tardis454.
"I bought this synth in many pieces and just finished restoring it. Here's a short demo of the Ratty Roland SH-1000 in some random note action."


via this auction.
"Simply touch the the metal contacts to make all kinds of chaotic sounds.
User must touch at least two contacts to produce the sounds.
Listen to a sample here.
Check out my other auctions here."

Roland TB-303 VCF Env Mod

Title link takes you there.

Friday, July 27, 2007

We're Bringin' Sexy Back

The biggest news of Summer NAMM 07. The NEW Timbaland Special Edition MiKo LX!


Assembling the Modular

Title link takes you to another video of packing a modular. This one via stretta. Fun to watch these. This of course is in response to Trash Arcade's video.

Dopefer Modular. And a cat.

White Roland MKS-7

Title link takes you to shots via this auction.

Racked Juno-106 with velocity sensitivity.

minime123 Synth Sale

Via minime123:

"FA: Vintage Synths + (27 items)

Hi friends,

We've got the following up on eBay now if anyone's interested. Some are ending soon:

- Akai S-1000 w digital card
- Akai S-900 faulty
- Analogue Solutions SEMblance Oberheim SEM Clone
- ARP Odyssey III
- DK Synergy
- Emu Emulator III Keyboard w 8 Megs
- Ensoniq ASRx
- Ensoniq EPS faulty w/4x expansion
- Ensoniq SQ-R
- Hohner Clavinet D6
- Kawai K5M boxed
- Korg ES-50 Lambda
- Korg LP-10 Analog Piano
- Korg Toneworks Effects
- Korg Wavestation SR
- Moog Taurus 2 Pedals + Synth
- Moog Taurus 2 Pedals Only
- Mu-tron Bi-Phase
- Oberheim Mini-Sequencer
- Polymoog Keyboard
- Roland AX-1 Keytar (black)
- Roland SH-1000
- Sequential Circuits Prophet VS
- Sequential Circuits Six-Trak
- Yamaha DX-11 w hard case
- Yamaha DX-7 original for parts
- Yamaha DX7IIFD

Any questions please email me at

We've got lots more stuff so email us if you're looking for anything - we'd much rather sell directly than have to post to eBay."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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