Saturday, January 24, 2009

Patch of the Day - Quad Event Timer

via navs.modular.lab where you'll find the audio.

"This patch was inspired by the Plan B Triple Event Timer and marks a bit of a departure for me: it was realized using the Clavia Nord Modular 2 Demo."

Update via Peter Grander of Plan B in the comments: "this is wild because the Model 17 inspired form a software module which used to be part of the Reaktor set.

What goes around comes around, huh?"

Livewire AFG vs Cwejman VCO-6

via navs.modular.lab where you can find the samples.

"Livewire's AFG goes head-to-head with Cwejman's VCO-6, two similarly priced and spec'd high-end VCOs. They both sound great, but do you need both?"

current system

flickr by pac209

" some sound"

full size

Note the Acidlab Bassline and modded TR-707

NAMM: WNAMM09: Indamixx NetBook Linux Powered DAW

see the write-up on Sonic State
At the end of the video he mentions it's available now at I checked and sure enough it's there.

Jona Bechtolt of Yacht

Read this post on Jona Bechtolt.

Synth content? Simple. If people don't pay for their software, the software companies don't get paid. If the software companies don't get paid they cease to exist. If they cease to exist they can't make us our synths.

The biggest issue I have with this is not him "trying out" pirated software before buying, but him glorifying it. He's promoting it whether he realizes or not. If he has an audience, he has a fan base. Fans typically respect the musicians they like. Fans may be inclined to take similar actions. BTW demos are for trying before buying not pirated software.

On his teamyacht public website he states the following:
"I use pirated software. I'll be the first to admit that. The certain audio software of my choice has been historically hard to crack and has been sort of an unreliable program to use due to its "I could stop working for you at any time" nature. They are smart over there in Germany. No one knows why it stops working. No one knows how. It's not calling home to the internet and shutting itself off. It's not creating an invisible file that tells it to stop working. It's not even embedding some sort of copyright violation code into the song files... I don't know what it's doing, but it stinks."

see for yourself

Is this any of our business? If you want companies that make tools that you use to continue making those tools, then I would probably say yes. Now you know why anti-piracy USB dongles exist. The software we use is probably more expensive because of this as well...

close up der Woche #05/09 Modular

via Aliens Project

close up of the week modular

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sherman Rodec Restyler w/ modular sequence

YouTube via bigcitymusic.
"Here's a little modular noodle being processed by the Sherman Rodec Restyler. The Sherman is an incredible sounding multimode filter with some fun Sherman quirks thrown in.

The knob on the bottom-left determines at what frequency the modulation kicks in. The big knob on the right is the overall frequency cutoff. The switch at the top-right engages the Sherman in the upper position, bypasses in the center, and acts as a momentary switch in the bottom position.

We're using the Jomox XBase 999 drum machine for the backing beat and to clock our sequence. This thing is fun!"

MAM 'ACM 2' Analog Clap Module drum synthesizer

via this auction

"This is a rare Analog Clap Module from the now defunct Music and More aka MAM company in Germany. This is a one space rack mountable unit that is basically one module from the venerable MAM Syncussion / Vermona DRM series. It is true analog and is definetly aimed at those who appreciate the sound of the classic Roland TR series - It's quite good! Unusually it also has built in reverb to add some space. It has one mono analog out and one midi port in which allows it to be triggered by a sequencer (note on / off and velocity). The MIDI channel is programmable and there is also a manual trigger button on the front panel. It has been racked in one smoke free studio for the entirety of its life and is therefore in like new condition with hardly any signs of wear and no functional issues whatsoever. This is a unique and highly specialized little piece of analog gear. It also includes the original one page photocopied manual. enjoy!

Front Panel Controls:

Clavia Nord Lead

via this auction

Novation BassStation

via this auction

Serial #:0004340


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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