Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Percussa AudioCubes - Soundpack Tour

Percussa AudioCubes - Soundpack Tour from percussa on Vimeo.

"In the second of our online Percussa tutorials we take a look at the various Soundpacks Percussa has put together to help you get started with your cubing experience.

We look at some of the audio samples included and the custom designed FX racks to find out what ways we can use these with the Cubes."

via the Percussa blog

Free Korg nanoPAD, nanoKONTROL Scripts for Ableton Live

via CDM where you'll find the details

"Having to open Live templates, however, just to get the mappings you want is a big pain. So, instead I’ve created a basic set of MIDI Remote Scripts and Kontrol Editor templates for Mac and Windows, Live 6.x and later, and wanted to share them with you."

Also see this post on Ableton Live MIDI Remote Scripting.

Folktek Arts Time Scape Sequencer keyboard addition

via the Folktek Arts blog where you'll find more images and info.

"The keyboard is polyphonic and all touch based, allowing the generation of a vast array of waves and feedback textures. Those waves can further be altered by the functions of the Time Scape including the ability for any phrase of waves to be sampled (in conjunction with an incoming signal or solo) and then further altered in sequence in thousands of ways. This broadens the spectrum of the piece a great deal and allows for an entirely new body of sound."

Folktek on Ebay

Future Is Now - track produced entirely on the iPhone

YouTube via AmidioInc
"Amidio has got a secret technology called ioLibrary that allows data sharing between our audio apps and Intua Beatmaker (for sequencing). This way, anyone can create impressive tracks using nothing but the iPhone!" on iTunes: Pro Synth

BeatMaker on iTunes:

Tara Busch Visits Moog Music

see the post with more pics on AnalogSuicide.

Linn Electronics LinnDrum

via this auction

Roland JSQ-60

via this auction

MOOG Little Phatty Stage II Analog Synthesizer

via this auction

Karl Ekdahl Feature on the Baltimore City Paper

The Baltimore City Paper has a great article on Karl Ekdahl and the Moisturizer. You might remember the Moisturizer from this post featuring video of the device. The following is just an excerpt from the BCP article, be sure to see it for more.

"'I want to present a box to people, and the knobs will have names on them that people have never seen before," he continues. "And not do that to be funny, but because those knobs have never existed before, so I had to make them up. And I think that's much more interesting, or much more challenging. Right now, there are a trillion and one pedal businesses out there, and they're all making another fuzz box. And that's not really interesting. Because there's so much out there. What I'm aiming to do, generally, is make new things, or things particularly broken or erroneous. I don't think the world needs another distortion box not from me anyway.'" Image credit: Michael Northrup

Red Roland SH-101 Cake

via Veqtor's corner where you will find more shots.

check out the Synth Cake label below for others.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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