Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Isotonik 7 - Live

Isotonik 7 - Live from Darren E Cowley on Vimeo.

"A 20 minute mix showing off the most commonly used features of Isotonik 7... is currently under construction so head over to in the meantime for further details....



flickr By thaulow


You can see one in this post.

Acid Box Blues April Acid Pattern

Details on how to participate on Acid Box Blues

"The April Acid Pattern is from 303Forever ("

"I've had two takes on the pattern."

April Acid Pattern the second bashing by DyLABs

Acid pattern april by DyLABs

EMU VCA and Resonant Filter

via anonymous

Beat707 Song Mode (short song)

YouTube Uploaded by beat707videos on Apr 12, 2011


Here's a quick song I made in a few minutes, sorry its short and not superb, but still a great demonstration.

At the end I show how easy is to edit a pattern while in song mode: hit record, edit the pattern, hit left+right to go back to song mode where you left.

You can download the MP3 files at the following link:"

EML Electronic Music Laboratories Synthesizer Primer

via this auction

"This is "The Synthesizer Primer: A little booklet essentially void of company propaganda," by EML, the company that brought you such hits as the Electrocomp series, the 400/401 sequencer and other gems. It contains 16 enriching pages of explanations, illustrations and block diagrams about oscillators, ring modulators, filters, envelope generators and samplers (which are really sample-and-hold modules). There is no publication date, but I'm guessing early-1970's. Printed on thick, textured green paper with two high-quality staples in the spine, this collectable treasure is a must for any swinging electronic music enthusiast."

Roland PG-300 programmer for the MKS-50/Alpha Juno series

via this auction

Yamaha E1105 analog delay

via this auction

Emu Proteus 2 Orchestral sound module

via this auction

Alesis DM5 drum module

via this auction


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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