Saturday, June 11, 2011

DSI Prophet 08 Synthesizer

via this auction

Octatrack-How to Echo Freeze Delay

YouTube Uploaded by Catabolicdj on Jun 11, 2011

"Here's a quick overview of how to use the Echo Freeze delay on the Octatrack for beat repeating. HD video available so you can see the screen."

Ilusion MC 808 Roland

YouTube Uploaded by Kofla2000 on Jun 11, 2011

"A reggae something song with i dont know something
Roland MC 808"

destrOrgan - breakable anti-stress organ for the iphone

YouTube Uploaded by alkexinstruments on Jun 11, 2011

"Features 4 presets, 13 playable keys. Breaks into over 70 parts!
Piano sounds, Cat sounds, FARTS!!!"

Destrorgan - Alkex Instruments
iPads on eBay
iPod Touch on eBay

Serge Modular - WAD & FreqShifter demo

YouTube Uploaded by MechaSeb76 on Jun 11, 2011

"Serge Modular - WAD & FreqShifter demo
Signal coming from radio..."


YouTube Uploaded by davidryle on Jun 11, 2011

"A demonstration of a patch involving the CGS01 Sub Oscillator and Harmonic Sequencer. It is generating the two voices heard at first. The I mixed in a few other voices coming from the Q960 and Q119 sequencers. The sequencers are shifted by the events going on in the CGS01 unit.
I recorded a tune with this patch as a basis but I thought the patch in itself was pretty fun so I made a video of it for people to see."

ocean song

YouTube Uploaded by textualmusic on Jun 11, 2011

"improv whilst on a trip to Florida."


YouTube Uploaded by panote09 on Jun 11, 2011

panote09 on eBay (RSS)

via this auction

"FREQ.A,B,C,D,E,F control frequency of each oscillator and the switches mute each oscillator.

The FREQ.A works as an oscillator when the LFO A switch is in down position and works as the LFO when the switch is in up position.

The FREQ.B also works as an oscillator when the LFO.B switch is in down position and works as a LFO when both LFO.A and LFO.B switches are on the up position.

MOD.A and MOD.B (modulation) make the whole sound weird,noisy sound.

The black switch reduce the voltage while pushing it.

TheFREQ.knob works when the FILTER switch is up position and you can tune the frequency of the whole sound.

6.35mm(1/4 inch) audio Jack
The LED is blue.

2.1mm 9V DC input(NEGATIVE CENTER)or a 9V battery
Please be sure to use DC(NOT AC)9V NEGATIVE CENTER(NOT POSITIVE).If you are not sure,please ask me anything because the wrong polarity of the adaptor will break the device."

Squidfanny - ZOOM-O-TRON 505 Digital Effects Synthesizer

YouTube Uploaded by squidfanny on Jun 11, 2011
squidfanny on eBay
"Circuit Bent Digital Effects Synthesizer, built from an old Zoom 505 Multi-Effects pedal, heavily circuit bent, updated with some new circuitry and re-housed in a tough metal case.
Now makes a whole range of fantastic digital effects which are totally unique to this machine.
Also has 6 x Bleepy Synth tones which can be eouted through the effects and modulated in real time with the Pitch Knobs and the LFO.

Jah bless the Microchip."

ms404 demo2

YouTube Uploaded by squeakyfromme69 on Jun 11, 2011

"got it all working. best sounding synth i've ever used."

doepfer ms404

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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