Thursday, April 21, 2016

Roland SYSTEM-500 Sound Patch Examples

Published on Apr 20, 2016 RolandChannel

"'SYSTEM-500 Sound Patch Examples'
You can download Patch Examples file from here."

Music Thing Modular - Superbooth16

Published on Apr 21, 2016 DivKidVideo

"Here Tom Whitwell takes us through the new Music Thing Modular modules available at (now 'The Turing Machine' or coming soon)."

See this post for the Axoloti controller.

4 oscillator patchable drone device

Published on Apr 21, 2016 electro lobotomy

"4 oscillators, 2 x XOR, 3 ch active mixer, power starve and choke.
Dirty drone / crackle box now listed in my etsy shop:"

MODSTEP 1.1 Update Released

iTunes: modstep - AppBC

"Modstep will be on sale until Monday the 25th for $14.99!"

"New Features:

Audio Unit support: use AU instruments and effects in modstep
new Plugin-Browser: Drag and drop internal Instruments, AUs or IAAs to any of the Tracks.
new Plugin-Chain per Track:: combine Internal Instruments, Audio Units and IAAs and add unlimited Insert FX per Track
new MIDI - IO-Section per Track allows quick & easy setup of MIDI Port & Channel routings for each track.
added Master FX Chain
new Settings-Popups for Clips, Scenes & Tracks - available via Long-Tap.
Global Scale: use one Scale throughout all Tracks in your Session (optional per track)
Clips now show a preview of the notes inside their current Pattern.
Patterns now show a preview of their notes.
when deleting a Clip you will now have to confirm the deletion by tapping twice.
added optional ‘Enter Clip Shortcut’ - if activated, all clips will show a button that allows to quickly open the clip in its related sequencer page.
added variable grid-size in Piano Roll (1/48 - 1bar)
studiomux is now able to send audio data to modstep (e.G. to mix or process through FX)
modstep can now receive audio via Audiobus (to mix / process)
Added Arrangement options:

Scene follow: Automatically starts the next scene after the current one finishes.
Scene Loops: set the Scene to loop X times (or unlimited) before the next one starts
Clip Loops: set the Clip to loop X times (or unlimited)
Scale per Scene: Change the Global Scale per Scene
Tempo per Scene: Change the tempo for each Scene
MIDI file import & export

new MIDI file browser in the main file-menu.
added MIDI indicators
AudioShare import for the Sampler
new global Keyboard with Pads and velocity to easily play all of your tracks onscreen.
Audiobus destination support
over 20 new MIDI Templates
added metronome
you may now decide which of the tracks should record audio.

Notes entered in Drum and Melody mode are not shared anymore (when switching modes, the other modes notes will not play or be shown anymore)
Drum / Melody mode do not change the Piano Rolls touch-behaviour anymore.
added Draw-mode toggle to change the Piano Rolls touch-behaviour in either mode.
Bugfixes & improvements:

fixed occasional note drop-outs
improved timing of internal Sampler & Synth to be sample accurate
improved audio-recordings to be seamless loops
Export and Import of CCs, Chords and Pads works now
fixed panning bug in the Sampler.
Velocity in Piano Roll and Step Sequencer was fixed
CCs were blocked by selected CCs
several smaller bug- and crash-fixes as well as small usability enhancements."

Korg Mono/Poly Synthesizer Keyboard SN 374772

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via this auction

Sequential Circuits Six-Trak Analog Synthesizer SN 0151

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via this auction

"This unit was featured on the Ambient Chill Zen New Age CD
"Digital Heart, Analog Soul Vol.2" by Rik Marston
Due out JUNE/JULY 2016! :)"

Roland JX-3P Synthesizer and PG200 programmer in Original Hardcase SN 260234

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via this auction

1986 Roland SynthPlus 10 Alpha Juno 1 Synthesizer SN 863038

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via this auction


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via this auction

Anyone recognize the PCB? PAiA?

Details via the listing: "Home made synthesizer based on the SN76477 chip. Has a look from the 60's because of the salvaged parts but is no earlier than 1978. Smartly built into the cover of an old RCA *STEREO* record player with all sorts of flying part connections inside. Kind of an adult busy box but it really has stereo output with tone control.

Looks to be a variant of the turbo-encabulator without the dingle arms but certainly still crudely conceived. Jam pins are present but were never part of the original design. A shaded pole motor is wired in without the armature and I have no clue why this is. I bet you could still wire in the Selenium rectifier to create a rotten egg smell if you pleased.

Remember the black vinyl label makers? Must have been a lot of super duper fun-fun. Tons of them on this baby! Has mounting bolts on each side near the top so you could put a strap on this and wear it like Harold from the Red Green show. Could this really have been that far ahead of its time?

Judging by the amply judicious use of telephone wire this may explain your dial up BBS modem interruptions back in the late 1980's.

Sold as-is and non-working. Please see my other listing for a bit more well made Theremins and Harmonic Percolators!"

Nonlinear Labs C15, un capricho contracorriente

Published on Apr 21, 2016 Hispasonic

"Con su carcasa de madera, un panel con muchos botones pero un único potenciómetro, y un motor de sonido enteramente digital, el C15 es un sinte muy suyo, casi un capricho de Stephan Schmitt."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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