Friday, July 27, 2018

Make Noise System "Cartesian" - Mixolydian Memories

Published on Jul 26, 2018 Jae Ryan

"So I changed up my rig a little bit since I was lucky enough to score one of the QMMG from Make Noise when they had their flash sale. Since this left no room in my skiff for Rene I instead also picked up a matching Ornament & Crime/uBurst (micro clouds) from @mrseri on Instagram. I believe his name is Balint.
Anyways this is my first go with new modules. It's nice having a filter finally. No external effects apart from limiting, reverb and stereo textures are from clouds. O_c is in Sequins mode and using the burst out from woggle bug to clock it and the smooth out from wogglebug to generate the sequence which I've set to random. It's pretty amazing what you can get from a small 104HP skiff when you start to learn it all and push it to its limits! I'll never love the Telharmonic but because of its noise out and beautiful low end I can never bring myself to sell it......

Also the camera stopped recording as I was fading out the track so it will play over some blackness near the end. And the video may not be synced up with the audio, but its not worth watching anyways as all I do is slowly fade in parts."

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Prophet X ,Lyra-8,Digitakt,Digitone and Easel

Published on Jul 26, 2018 therudyrude

"Jamming with my new Prophet X"

Patterning 2 Drum Machine - AppJam

Published on Jul 26, 2018 redskylullaby

"AppJam featuring Patterning 2 by Olympia Noise Co
also Arp Odyssei by Korg and AudioKit Synth One"

iTunes: Patterning 2 - Olympia Noise Co.

"Patterning 2 is the next generation of the award-winning circular drum machine. Create beats like never before in a beautiful, intuitive interface that is both easy to use and brimming with features for the experienced producer.

Make dynamic drum patterns with the swipe of a finger. Quickly record rhythms and parameter automation. Use Patterning’s independent loop settings to explore rhythmic possibilities impossible to achieve in traditional sequencers. Automate and randomize parameters to create intricate & complex beats. Arrange patterns on the timeline to construct songs. Use the built-in effects to add atmosphere, shimmer and noise. Export patterns directly to Ableton Live or connect to other instruments with MIDI. Download hundreds of free factory and user-created drum kits for use in your own songs.

Patterning was named Runner-Up : App of the Year (iPad) in 2015.

Some of what’s new in Patterning 2 :

• Record Beats with the New Drum Pads
• Drum Kit Switching
• Randomize (Almost) Everything
• Next Generation Ratcheting
• Automation Recording
• Coarse Tune & MIDI Note Quantization
• Quantized Pattern Launch
• Sample Folders
• Loop Rotate
• Pattern Tempo Changes
• Divide Mode Measure Length
• New Automation Layers : Randomization, Ratcheting, MIDI CCs, and more.
• Ableton Link Start/Stop
• MIDI Learn Recording
• MIDI Drum Triggering
• MIDI Only Tracks
• Unlimited MIDI CC Outputs
• MIDI Gate Length Automation
• Under the Hood Performance Improvements
• Workflow Enhancements
• And more…

For a full list of new and existing features, visit"

Roland Alpha Juno 2 JU-2 Analog Polysynth

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"In the words of the pioneers that made the Alpha Junos famous...

"Charly says always tell your mummy before you go off somewhere (to play with your alpha juno)" - Prodigy 1991

"Bigger and bolder and rougher tougher, in other words, sucker, there is no other... I wanna kiss myself (because I bought this alpha juno)!" - Human Resource 1992

This poly classic is ready for another go-round. From the original "What The" Dominator hoover to the addictive chord memory feature, this unit delivers meaty, sweet, sweeping, chiming, timeless tones with a matured MIDI implementation and updated components making them a bit less of a maintenance beast than the legendary 106 predecessor.

I've replaced the solder-in battery with a CR-2032 clip for ease of replacement in the future (new battery as well of course)
The keyboard had keys not working, but after cleaning and a couple trace repairs, every strike is solid now
A couple of the bottom panel screw mounts had been broken by a previous over-zealous tech. These have been properly re-mounted
Inside and out has been vacuumed and cleaned
Factory patches restored
Comes with power cord"

Custom Modified Korg KP2 Kaosspad

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"Customized Korg KP2 Kaoss Pad. The original casing was replaced with distressed barn wood giving this KP2 a unique style like no other. The main purpose for this customization was to allow for additional room within the box for further modifications. As you likely know, many mods can be made to these units. This one has had a hold switch added to the right side to allow for an effect to be kept on without having to hold down the spring lever. This free’s up your hands to work with other instruments effects as you make your music.

Another mod that was attempted was to add a 1/4” input and output. However, this mod seems to not function properly. The standard stock input and output connections do work perfectly fine."

Prophet X Sound Demo 3

Published on Jul 26, 2018 Pure Ambient Drone

"Prophet X Sound Demo Part 3. DSI Prophet X sounds being demoed by me. Just going through some of the Prophet X Synthesizer Presets and 8dio sample patches."

Pure Ambient Drone Prophet X Sound Demos

Liszt Chorale: Crux Ave Benedicta

Published on Jul 26, 2018 Kris Lennox

"This is all getting very serious. I feel like I'm at church. Give it another day of this and I'll be feeling guilty for no reason whatsoever. I think I'd better have a lie down and play some Jefferson Airplane in the morning.

Some notes RE the Chorale: Liszt worked on the set at the end of the 1870's, with the plan being to make a collection of piano arrangements of sacred songs, the set written for Cardinal Gustav Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst - but Liszt only partially completed the set. Still, the pieces are worth a look.

A few here will likely be familiar with the surname Hohenlohe - especially so if you know the poetry of Rilke.

RE this recording: I assume it goes without saying that the score doesn't indicate a filter sweep on the final chord! But it sounds good. At least, to my ear it does. SEM filter very obvious on this patch.

All best

Kawai SX-210 8-Voice Poly Analog Synthesizer

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"The Kawai SX-210 is a very rare synth. It's an 8 voice poly synth with 4 poly stack mode as well as mono mode and chord mode. Built in chorus gives you the ability to hit those Juno sounds as well as polysix/MonoPoly sounds. It's got Sub Osc, PWM, LFO routing/trigger and more. It's a very capable and great sounding synth. It has a very large patch name display which is unique as it lets you write words for patch names rather than just a 2 or 3 digit number."

Akai AX60 Vintage Analog 6 Voices Poly Synth

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"The AX60 is a 6 voices VCO analog poly synth from 1986. This synth offer a lot of interesting modulation possibilities like pulse width modulation on every waverforms, 2 ADSR enveloppes per voices, amplitude modulation, filter modulation and exponential FM. The instrument is also bi-timbral, meaning you can split the voices and run two different patch at once. There is two selectables chorus an arpegiator and an powerful unison mode. There is a lot of knobs and sliders so the synth is very easy and fast to program."

Dave Smith Oberheim OB-6 Dark Bass & ARPs DSI Synthesizer Rik Marston

Published on Jul 26, 2018 SynthgodXXX

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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