MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Oxix52

Showing posts sorted by date for query Oxix52. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Oxix52. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, May 07, 2012

Small Buchla Two

YouTube Published on May 6, 2012 by Oxix52

"Another video with my little Skylab Buchla system. I am playing the 261e from the touch surface. I have a bit of vibrato coming in controlled by pressure on the touch surface. Also, as I slide my finger up the key, it increases the FM from the mod osc and causes the pitch to bend up as well as brighten the sound. I still feel a bit clumsy with it but I love the expressiveness of the 222e touch surface."

Friday, May 04, 2012

Small Buchla

YouTube Published on May 4, 2012 by Oxix52

"I recently got my Buchla Skylab case. It is a very nice and very portable design. This is not the Skylab configuration listed on the Buchla site. I have taken some modules from my larger case to fill this one out. I like the fact that you can leave your patches in with the case folded."

Thursday, March 22, 2012


YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Mar 22, 2012

"The Buchla can sound really nice."

Friday, February 03, 2012


YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Feb 3, 2012

"This is a rhythmic patch featuring the 258v and ZOe modules. The saw section is driven by the first sequencer from the 251e. The square section is the kick/bass. The ZOe is FM'd by the saw of the 258v. The 259e provides the snare and the 266e is the source for the hat."

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Playing the Buchla with the 222e #2

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Jan 6, 2012

"I'm starting to feel a bit more at home with the 222e."

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Buchla 2012 #1

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Jan 4, 2012

"This is my first video of 2012. The 222e is fantastic to use and really makes the Buchla feel like more of a complete instrument."

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Buchla 222e

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Nov 6, 2011

"This is an early attempt at using the 222e musically. Unfortunately, the 222e was acting up and it took a few takes to get a good one. It is now being serviced and will hopefully be returned in good working order soon."

Friday, September 30, 2011

OP-1 and Buchla

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Sep 30, 2011

"Just doodling on the OP-1 like an instrument along with a simple sequence on the Buchla."

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Buchla and Genome

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Sep 1, 2011

"This is my first try with the Genome sequencer. It's very fun and easy to use. I have the 261e on channel 1, 259e on channel 2, and the ZOe on channel 3."

Genome MIDI Sequencer - White Noise Audio Software
iPads on eBay

Friday, August 05, 2011

Buchla and iPad MidiMe App

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Aug 5, 2011

"I am using the Apple camera connector and the MAudio Uno to connect to the Buchla midi port from the iPad. The left XY pad is controlling the symmetry and timbre of the 261e. The right XY pad is controlling the waveshape of the mod osc, the morph of the 259e, and the panning of the 259e. I am playing a mix of the 261e mod and principle oscillators with the keyboard. Delay is from the Korg KP3."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Buchla FM Drone

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Jul 19, 2011

"This is a drone with lots of FM. The mod osc of the 261e is modulating the frequency of the principal osc and the ZOe. The mod osc of the 259e is modulating the frequency and the morph of the principal osc. The pulse wave of the ZOe is going in to the 291e which has the frequency being modulated by one stage of the 281e."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Buchla iPhone vid

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on May 26, 2011

"I shot this video with my iPhone 4. It's a bit shaky, but I think it came out pretty good. The audio was recorded to Logic and sync'd later."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Buchla ZOe 1

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on May 15, 2011

"This was my first exploration of the ZOe. I wasn't going to upload because the video is out of focus. I was at my in-laws' and didn't have a good camera handy. I think it sounds pretty cool, though"

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Buchla #20

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Apr 30, 2011

"The mod osc of the 261e is plugged in to the linear fm of the ZOe. The ZOe responds slowly when the range is changed on mod osc."

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Buchla sequence with ZOe module

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Apr 5, 2011

"This is a short sequence I did using the ZOe and other modules of the Buchla. The ZOe has a very rich and varied sound. I really like the stereo effect you get from panning the quadrature outputs opposite each other. I haven't really figured out much on it yet, but I'm having fun exploring!"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Buchla Module removal and installation

YouTube Uploaded by Oxix52 on Mar 16, 2011

"This is a quick demonstration of the removal and re-installation of a Pendulum/Ratchet module for the Buchla 200e modular synthesizer. It shows how easy the process is."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cold Friday

YouTube via Oxix52 | November 18, 2010 | 0 likes, 0 dislikes

"This started out as an experiment in running a pad from my G2X through the 292e. I then proceeded to perform some "interesting" video editing. Maybe I got carried away :^) No overdubs, everything is live. It's called Cold Friday because it was cold(for El Paso) and it was Friday."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Buchla #16

YouTube via Oxix52 | October 14, 2010

"Just playing around..."

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Buchla #15

YouTube via Oxix52 | October 06, 2010

"This is another simple sequence. I really like how the mod oscillator of the 261e growls when adjusting the cutoff on the 281e."

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Moog and Buchla

YouTube via Oxix52 | September 08, 2010

"The Buchla is playing a neat little sequence while I doodle on my Voyager. I think the two go great together."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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