MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for SYNTHOR

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Showing posts sorted by date for query SYNTHOR. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Published on Nov 10, 2015 AudioCubes by PERCUSSA

"Video featuring new SYNTHOR digital modular synthesizer for wireless audiocubes by Percussa. In this video we should off distance and rotation sensing, while simultaneously patching. Notice the expressivity and opportunities for gestural performance. More info at"

Monday, October 26, 2015


Published on Oct 26, 2015 AudioCubes by PERCUSSA

"Video featuring new SYNTHOR digital modular synthesizer for wireless audiocubes by Percussa. Synthesizer modules used in this video are oscillators (green cubes), noise generator (cyan cube), DC level generator (red cube), output and FX section (yellow cube). Learn more about SYNTHOR and audiocubes at"

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

percussa wireless audiocubes digital modular synth demo 2

Published on Sep 8, 2015 AudioCubes by PERCUSSA

"In this video a wireless AudioCube is linked to a Noise processor in Synthor, inside MIDIBridge. The frequency and amplitude of the Noise processor can be controlled using two of the four AudioCube sensors."

Some additional info via the Percussa newsletter:

"In the video above, you’ll see a Macbook laptop running my latest Synthor build (email me if you’d like to try the latest version). The laptop is connected to an AudioCube PRO via USB, which is the base station for the AudioCubes PRO network (you can use up to 16 cubes wirelessly). The AudioCube we hold in our hands is fully wireless and communicates with the base station cube. It’s all plug-and-play, no drivers necessary, and you can also hot plug the cube network, and swap cubes around if you like (any cube can become the base station cube, all without restarting software or stopping or starting audio).

In the video the wireless cube is linked to a Noise processor in Synthor, inside MIDIBridge. The Noise processor generates white noise, but with variable frequency and amplitude. The sound is passed through a reverb section which is now also built into Synthor. The frequency and amplitude of the Noise processor can be controlled using two of the four AudioCube sensors. The other two are unused in this demo, but I have some exciting plans to map those to two other parameters of the processor :-)

What’s cool about this demo is that you can see how gestural you can get with this simple setup and the variety of results you can get. You can also see the green bar graphs on the laptop in the back which show the distance sensing in real time for the 4 sensors of the AudioCube. All you need to replicate this setup is a Mac or PC laptop, two Wireless AudioCubes PRO and our free MIDIBridge software (includes Synthor). You don’t need any other software or hardware."

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Percussa Synthor Digital Modular Synth Demo #1

Published on Aug 16, 2015 Percussa AudioCubes

"Quick demo of the new Synthor digital modular synth for the Percussa AudioCubes.

Synthor runs on Macs and PCs as a standalone audio application and communicates wirelessly with the AudioCubes hardware interface. When cubes are placed next to each other, new patch connections are created, and moving cubes closer and further away change parameters such as modulation depth. Synthor is a free download for all AudioCubes users! Learn more at"

Some additional info via the Percussa News Letter:

"You can see different synth cubes in action: red/orange cubes are wavetable oscillators, purple one is a step sequencer, green ones are LFOs (frequency and amplitude modulation) and the cyan one is a toggle noise cube (white noise with variable frequency). The wavetable oscillator cubes are set to do frequency modulation, the step sequencer does frequency modulation, as well as the noise cube. There is also a waveshaper and state-variable filter (SVF) which are not demo'ed in this video but will be in upcoming videos.

The Synthor synth runs inside MIDIBridge so there is no additional software needed beyond our MIDIBridge software. There is an audio settings control panel now in MIDIBridge which lets you select the sound card driver to use (CoreAudio, ASIO, etc) as well as the sample rate and buffer size to use. The processing in Synthor is all done at audio sample rate, so you have really fast and smooth modulation possibilities and low-latency.

In Synthor, you first assign a synthesizer module to a cube (oscillator, LFO, noise gererator, etc) and decide what other cubes it can modulate. As soon as you’ve done that, you can start putting cubes together to create a modular synth patch.

As soon as cubes are placed next to each other, a connection is made between the synthesizer modules linked to the cubes. So for example, if you configured two cubes to be oscillators, one oscillator will start to modulate the frequency of the other oscillator (you can also set it to modulate amplitude if you prefer). It works the same way when you place multiple cubes together: even if you are only placing one cube next to a group of cubes, you will be creating multiple connections! All without needing real hardware patch cords. Try doing that in a traditional hardware modular synthesizer with only two hands.

Synthor also automatically scales parameters as you move cubes closer together: If you have two oscillator cubes next to each other, the modulation depth will change depending on the distance between the cubes. This is done completely automatic without you having to configure anything. Parameters can also be set using sliders in the Synthor user interface if you need to set them to specific values.

Last but not least, the signal output of each of the synthesizer modules is automatically connected to the brightness of the colours of the cubes. This way you can see how fast your LFOs are running for example, or you can see the steps of the step sequencer as they play back.

I’ve also built a default patch into Synthor / MIDIBridge, such that when you start the software and connect your cubes, they are all set into Synthor mode and a synthesizer processor has been linked to each cube (oscillator, noise, etc). This way you can immediately start making sound with the cubes without having to configure anything (don’t forget to set up your sound card - you only need to do this once). If you customize the default setup of Synthor you can save your settings and load them using the LOAD/SAVE buttons in MIDIBridge.

Bonus tip: if you go play live with Synthor, you can load different settings files for different songs, and each of those settings files can assign the cubes to different synthesizer modules! This is like having 10 different modular synth setups with you which you can instantly switch to within a few seconds. Impossible to do with a traditional hardware modular synth.

I need your feedback on the above video

I’ll be adding more synthesizer modules to Synthor over the next month. I have plans for granular processors, mixers, delays, etc. It’s going to be super exciting working on this. Please reply to this email and send me your feedback about the above video!"

You can contact Percussa at

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Synthor Preview: Percussa's digital modular synthesizer for the AudioCubes

via the Percussa news letter:

"Hi everyone, it’s Bert here from Percussa AudioCubes :-)

We’ve been working hard on Synthor, the digital modular synthesizer for the AudioCubes, and I thought I’d send you an update :-)

As you know, the AudioCubes started as an advanced object based MIDI controller for professional artists, such as live performers, sound designers, composers, teachers, …

With Synthor we are taking AudioCubes to the next level. We’re adding audio input and output to our MIDIBridge software, and building a synthesizer into the software, which is called Synthor.

Synthor allows you to assign sound processors and generators to the AudioCubes, and lets you patch them together using the AudioCubes. You do this by placing the AudioCubes next to each other. The power of patching in Synthor comes from its ability to make multiple patch connections as you build a network of cubes. In a normal modular synthesizer, you make one connection at a time. With Synthor, you can make multiple connections by placing cubes together. Synthor takes modular synthesizer patching to the next level!

Synthor also gives you real time high speed parameter control: when you move cubes further or closer to each other, the software will control and scale synthesizer parameters such as modulation depth. Imagine two oscillator cubes, placed together. One oscillator modulates the other one, in amplitude, or frequency, as soon as the cube detect each other. As you move the cubes closer or further away, the distance between the cubes will change the modulation depth!

So in summary, with Synthor, you can patch multiple cables, and change modulation depth for these multiple connections, all at the same time, using only two hands :-) Synthor pushes the concept of a modular synthesizer to the next level.

Last but not least, you can save and load module assignments to/from preset files. Let’s say you have 8 cubes. You could have a group of oscillator and step sequencer cubes in one setup, but if you load a different settings file, which you might have saved at another time, you can recall a totally different setup, for example consisting of a group of filters and noise generators! This way you can play a live set with a modular synthesizer, and recall a totally different setup for every song. You can even switch presets using program changes (a feature that has been in MIDIBridge for several versions, by the way).

We’ve already got a wavetable oscillator, waveshaper, state-variable filter, noise generators, step sequencer, envelope generator, DC level generator and LFOs built into Synthor."

See the first video on the Percussa site here.  Below are two additional videos from Percussa's YouTube channel.

Topology Mode and Ableton Live by Rishabh Rajan

Published on Aug 11, 2015 Percussa AudioCubes

synthor digital modular synth for AudioCubes testing session #1

Published on Aug 11, 2015 Percussa AudioCubes

"We're working on a digital modular synthesizer for the AudioCubes: synthor. More information:"

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Percussa releases new IMPROVISOR, updates MIDIBridge to v3.1

via Percussa

"Hi everyone, it's Bert here, the designer and inventor of the Percussa AudioCubes.

I'm very proud to announce a new version of IMPROVISOR, the generative MIDI Sequencer for AudioCubes.

The new version is built into MIDIBridge and is no longer a standalone application. You can find the updated MIDIBridge 3.1 with IMPROVISOR mode in the download section on our site. For the full story continue reading below :-)

For those of you who don't know IMPROVISOR, it's a MIDI sequencer that lets you compose generative music using AudioCubes.

The way it works is you first program velocity and semitone patterns into the sequencer, which then plays these back. Velocity and semitone steps are combined together with a root note to generate notes. The semistone steps are relative so they can be reused with different root notes.

The power of IMPROVISOR comes with linking the patterns to the AudioCubes: each cube is linked to its own semitone and velocity pattern, and when cubes detect each other, the semitone patterns will add up, giving rise to totall new patterns!

When you turn cubes placed next to each other, different velocity patterns will be used with the semitone patterns. You can also configure cubes as leaders or followers, which gives you control over which semitone patterns will be added up and which won't.

Many generative sequencers end up generating totally random results which are hard to use in practice, let alone perform live. IMPROVISOR was designed to let you start with easy to understand step sequencing, and then turn your programmed sequences into elements which can be generatively "remixed" using the AudioCubes, all live and in real time!

To learn more about IMPROVISOR mode in MIDIBridge 3.1, check out our manual. You can download MIDIBridge 3.1 in the downloads section on our website.

Development notes on this IMPROVISOR release

IMPROVISOR started as a Max/MSP patch, and was then first released as a standalone Max/MSP application a few years ago. After much feedback from AudioCube users I decided to turn it into a C++ application, about a year ago, and make it part of MIDIBridge.

By making it part of MIDIBridge, we were able to increase the speed and performance and add support for up to 16 cubes. We were also able to give IMPROVISOR access to all the other features in MIDIBridge such as MIDI clock sync. And by integrating IMPROVISOR into MIDIBridge it also instantly works with the Wireless AudioCubes PRO we released the past weeks!

IMPROVISOR was the first application to be integrated into MIDIBridge. I'm planning to integrate our other applications into MIDIBridge as well, such as the upcoming SYNTHOR, our digital modular synthesizer. This way you only need to update one application, MIDIBridge."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

PERCUSSA labs behind the scenes: AudioCubes standalone hardware in development

"Percussa will release its software synthesizer SYNTHOR later this year. The synthesizer will be built into MIDIBridge, and will let anyone produce and make sounds using the audiocubes without needing any other music software or hardware. The software will work with the wireless audiocubes, and will become available in the downloads section of the site.


After releasing the software synthesizer, Percussa will also release a hardware version of the synthesizer, so people will no longer need a PC or MAC to use the AudioCubes. It will be a standalone unit that people can buy and use together with their wireless audiocubes.


Check out the video of the test setup of the hardware platform:"

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

PERCUSSA Announces New Mode in MIDIBridge: IMPROVISOR

An update via Percussa: "After releasing the MIDIBridge 3 update a while ago, along with the firmware update that introduced topology mode (see blog posts … ) I’ve been working on a new version of IMPROVISOR, the generative composition software for the AudioCubes. If you don’t know what this software does, check out the video below:


In short, using IMPROVISOR you can play live generative music by programming patterns into the software and then linking those to AudioCubes, and by then placing AudioCubes next to each other.

Depending on the orientation and location of AudioCubes, the resulting sequences will be different since each cube plays back a different pattern, and when cubes are placed next to each other patterns add up and subtract :-)

It’s great fun to play with and much easier to use than all the other generative / algorithmic composition software out there which has a lot of focus on academic concepts and is not very interactive, IMHO.

From Max/MSP patch to C++ application

IMPROVISOR started as a Max/MSP patch, and after the feedback from AudioCube users I’ve decided to turn it into a C++ application, and make it part of MIDIBridge, the main software application you are already familiar with when using AudioCubes.

This way the speed and performance of IMPROVISOR will be drastically improved, and it will instantly work with up to 16 cubes, and you’ll be able to take advantage of the features already built into MIDIBridge, such as MIDI clock syncing.

IMPROVISOR will show up in MIDIBridge as a new mode (see the lower left corner in the screenshot below). When two cubes are in this mode, they will work together. The cube that is following will add the pattern played back by the leading cube to its own pattern and a root note, and will send the resulting notes out through its MIDI port (selected on the right hand side in MIDIBridge).
This way, you can have up to 16 patterns playing simultaneously and in sync, each pattern potentially influencing the other patterns. By setting different pattern lengths for different cubes you’ll be able to create really interesting results, as you can see in the video below:

Of course you’ll be able to reuse patterns between cubes and you’ll be able to load and save them along with the other settings in MIDIBridge. IMPROVISOR will also have some global controls allowing you to set the tempo, as well as tap it, and start/stop/reset the sequencer as you wish.

Finally, you will notice there is an AUDIO button at the top in MIDIBridge now. I’ve added audio out, and this button calls up a dialog box letting you set the audio driver type (ASIO, DirectSound, CoreAudio, etc), buffer size, sample rate, resolution, etc. I’m planning to build SYNTHOR, the upcoming modular synth, into MIDIBridge as well, and this is where you will configure your sound interface to use the sound generation capabilities of new modes such as SYNTHOR. Check out a SYNTHOR video below:

When will it be available for download?

This new update of MIDIBridge 3 with IMPROVISOR mode is not available for download yet, but I’m working on it as we speak and will make it available for download over the next weeks. Look for a seperate announcement on one of the next newsletters :-)

That’s it for now :-) I hope you are excited about all this like me, and I can’t wait to finish IMPROVISOR mode and push out the next MIDIBridge update!"

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Percussa: How are Wireless AudioCubes Different from Classic AudioCubes?

Another interesting bit of insight from Percussa via their newsletter.  This one was from Jan 18.

"Hi, Bert here, designer and inventor of AudioCubes. Sometimes, people ask me what the difference is between the AudioCubes we are selling today and the ones I originally released back in 2007. The AudioCubes today are called 'wireless' AudioCubes, while the ones from 2007 are 'classic' AudioCubes. But what does that mean?

In this newsletter I've decided to go a bit deeper into how the modern AudioCubes you can buy today work under the hood, and how they are different from the original AudioCubes I designed back in 2004, and which were released in 2007.

How do Classic AudioCubes work?

Originally I had designed the AudioCubes to forward data between each other, using infrared communication ports. Each AudioCube has 4 of these ports located around the AudioCube, which allow AudioCubes to detect each other as well as detect distance to your hands and fingers. This generates MIDI trigger notes or continous control messages respectively, so you can start and stop sounds and control effect parameters in real time.

In 2008-2009 we released a firmware and MIDIBridge update and also released the OSC server for AudioCubes, which not only allows AudioCubes to detect each other but also FORWARD data to each other, effectively creating a wireless network of AudioCubes, where data is forwarded to one of the cubes, which stays connected to your computer. We introduced the TOPOLOGY mode for the AudioCubes, which allows you to get MIDI note triggers and continous controllers at the same time.

How do Wireless AudioCubes work?
However, I realized we wanted to offer higher data rates than was possible using the cube to cube infrared communication network, and so I started designing a wireless module, a hardware upgrade, which would allow all the wireless cubes to have a DIRECT connection to the central cube which stays connected to your computer. This would allow the cubes to communicate in a star network which offers much higher data rates :-) The wireless module has a custom designed protocol on board I worked on for several years, and which uses the 2.4GHz wireless radio band. Rather than using bluetooth or wifi, we designed our own protocol, because the needs of professional musicians are very different from the needs of the wide consumer market.

We started offering the wireless module to a small group of test users first, and worked on improving the firmware for this hardware update over the past years. This hardware upgrade has been shipping in all new AudioCube systems over the past two years, and going forward we will ONLY sell AudioCubes featuring this hardware wireless module, and all software will assume you have this module in your AudioCubes. The classic AudioCubes without the module will still keep working using the old software, but to take advantage of the new software including SYNTHOR, the upcoming synthesizer for AudioCubes, you will need to have this module in your AudioCubes :-)

You can see two photos of AudioCubes hardware below. One photo is the classic AudioCube PCB WITHOUT the wireless module, and the other is the AudioCube PCB WITH the wireless module, which is how all hardware is built today.

AudioCube PCB WITH the wireless module

AudioCube PCB WITHOUT the wireless module,

Wireless Module

15 wireless AudioCubes transmitting cube detection and distance information in real time

We're in the final stages of testing a big firmware and MIDIBridge update I've worked on over the past two years, day and night, which leverages this new module to the maximum. It's really exciting stuff - imagine a star network with one master cube and up to 15 wireless AudioCubes, all capable of sensing hands as well as cubes, transmitting cube detection and distance information, all in real time, and everything is MIDI mappable!

Imagine automatically patching modular software synths as cubes detect each other, and changing instrument parameters in real time as cubes get closer and further away.

A few of the AudioCube power users who are currently testing the BETA are saying it's the most exciting update they've seen in the past few years.

I hope this clears up what the difference is between the AudioCubes we ship today, which all include the high performance wireless radio, and the classic AudioCubes from 2007 which do not include this hardware upgrade.

I look forward to create more firmware and software updates in 2015 and to push AudioCubes to the next level together with all of you!

Connect with Bert, AudioCubes designer, to learn more!

Thanks for reading this newsletter, and don't hesitate to connect with me on Facebook, LinkedIn or via email at

I'm happy to answer all your questions about AudioCubes and consider your feature requests for the AudioCubes software :-)

Bert Schiettecatte"

A Day at the Percussa AudioCubes Lab

A look at a day in the life of Percussa via their newsletter released on January 10.

"Today, Bert and I would like to take you to our AudioCubes Lab, where we work hard on developing new software and hardware features for the Percussa AudioCubes, a modular gestural audiovisual instrument."

"Living room Lab with fast customer service

Since we're a small company, we decided to transform our living room into a lab instead of spending too much money on renting office space. We turned each corner of our living room into a different work station, each focusing on a different aspect: electronics, software, and business operations :-)

Having our office/lab in our living enviroment makes it hard to ignore any incoming email from customers late at night or on the weekend :-) , but we're more than happy to respond to any customer inquiry or request very fast."

"Lab equipment to build high-quality products

In our lab, we have tools to test the electronics of the Percussa AudioCubes as well as equipment to debug the firmware of the AudioCubes.

For instance, today (picture on the left) we have soldered connectors of our logic analyzer onto the motherboard of the AudioCube, because we'd like to visualize the data which is being exchanged between the cube motherboard's processor and the wireless radio which is inside each new AudioCube shipped!

Data transmission inside AudioCubes and over the USB bus is very fast, so often the only way to debug something is by capturing data and then figuring out what went wrong :-) Did you know that AudioCubes sensor data updates at 1KHz?

Cool stuff is coming up

We have some new changes coming up from our AudioCubes lab very soon. So keep an eye on your inbox. Bert is working day and night on the new update of firmware and MIDIBridge, endlessly fretting over sensor data offsetting, scaling, resolution, etc ... this is important groundwork for the synthesizer we're working on, SYNTHOR. Check out some preliminary videos here.

Also make sure to register on our website in case you haven't done so. It gives you instant access to the download area where you can download software, including the upcoming firmware and MIDIBridge updates, and SYNTHOR, when it will be available!

Talk to you next week,
Bert & Celine"

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Percuss New Wireless AudioCubes firmware and MIDIBridge in the Works

via the Percussa newsletter:

"First of all, thanks being on this list and for supporting Percussa and my work with AudioCubes and for reading the newsletter!

I've been silent for quite a while, posting a bit less than usually, both on the newsletter and the blog. This is because I've been working hard on a new update to the AudioCubes firmware, as well as a new version of MIDIBridge :-)

Why a new version of the firmware and MIDIBridge?
If you've used MIDIBridge, the main application to generate MIDI information using AudioCubes, or if you've read the manuals, you already know that there are three modes you can put the cubes in: SENDER, RECEIVER (used for sending MIDI note on/off triggers when cubes detect each other), and SENSOR (used for sending MIDI continuous controllers based on distance between cubes or hands and cubes).

With the current version of MIDIBridge and the firmware, you don't have this cube detection + distance information at the same time. I'm working on a new update to change all that, and to make distance information and cube detection available simultaneously, in the form of a new cube mode in MIDIBridge, called TOPOLOGY.

This will bring what you can do with the AudioCubes to a whole new level! Imagine the AudioCubes as a synthesizer where signals can be patched and modulation depth changed simply by creating a network of cubes and changing their relative distances, or imagine sending MIDI triggers and controllers at the same time, the possibilities are enndless. These new capabilities will give rise to new, improved and updated AudioCubes software :-)"

Modular Synthesizer for AudioCubes: Synthor

Published on Oct 20, 2012 Percussa·89 videos

"Synthor is a new app made in Max/Max for 8 AudioCubes. Buy the Modular Synth package for AudioCubes including the free Synthor app directly at the Percussa website. More info at"

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Feedback Sound Synthesizer: Synthor for AudioCubes

Published on Nov 24, 2012 by Percussa

"It's time for another update on the development of SYNTHOR, a modular
synthesizer application for percussa audiocubes, designed by Bert
Schiettecatte of Percussa :-)

Read the explanation and more at:"

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sample Manipulation Synthesizer: Synthor for AudioCubes

Published on Nov 12, 2012 by Percussa

"Series of videos showing the new free modular synthesizer software
"SYNTHOR", for Percussa AudioCubes.
Request more info about how to order AudioCubes and SYNTHOR at

In this series, 8 AudioCubes are linked to 8 different processing
modules in the software, as follows:

Green cubes: low frequency oscillators with frequency input and signal outputs
Blue cubes: sample players with position input and signal outputs
Purple cube: sample delay line with signal input and signal outputs
Red cube: stereo out, with left and right input and no outputs

Using this setup, it's easy to experiment with frequency modulation
synthesis (FM), sample manipulation, low frequency oscillators and
delay lines.
Green cubes (LFOs) are used in various combinations to generate
signals which drive the playback of the blue cubes (sample players).

You can load any sample into the sample players in SYNTHOR. Common
formats like WAV and AIFF are supported.
In these vide demos, samples from our free EMISSIONS sound pack,
designed by Pure Magnetik, have been used.
You can get the sound pack at"

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Audiovisual Modular Synth: Synthor Demo 3

Audiovisual Modular Synth: Synthor (Demo 3, Part 1)

Published on Nov 4, 2012 by Percussa

"Synthor is a hardware and software modular synth consisting of 8 audiocubes and software for mac and PC. Watch all four videos!

Green cubes are oscillators, red cube is the stereo out, purple cube is an envelope generator and amplifier, and the blue cubes are step sequencers.

The blue cubes have the capability of triggering and controlling cubes 2 steps away, the other cubes can only send their signal to nearby cubes. The black lines indicate outputs (opposite sides are inputs).

Learn more about audiocubes and synthor at

Get pricing and shipping info and ask questions at"

Audiovisual Modular Synth: Synthor (Demo 3, Part 2)

Audiovisual Modular Synth: Synthor (Demo 3, Part 3)

Audiovisual Modular Synth: Synthor (Demo 3, Part 4)

Published on Nov 4, 2012 by Percussa

Saturday, October 27, 2012

SYNTHOR, audiovisual modular synthesizer: Demo II

SYNTHOR, audiovisual modular synthesizer: Demo II (part 1)

Published on Oct 27, 2012 by Percussa

"Watch all three videos: Part 1 showcases oscillators, Parts 2 and 3 noise and filters

Synthor is a hardware and software synth consisting of 8 audiocubes and software for mac and PC

4 Green cubes: sine, triangle and saw oscillators with frequency and duty cycle/sync inputs
2 Purple cubes: state variable filters with HP/LP and BP/NT outputs and cutoff frequency inputs
1 Blue cube: pink/white noise with sample and hold and state variable filters (LP) outputs, SAH control signal and filter cutoff inputs
1 Red cube: stereo output

If you have any questions or would like to buy synthor visit"

SYNTHOR, audiovisual modular synthesizer: Demo II (part 2)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Modular Synthesizer for AudioCubes: Synthor

Published on Oct 20, 2012 by Percussa

"Synthor is a new app made in Max/Max for 8 AudioCubes. Buy the Modular Synth package for AudioCubes including the free Synthor app directly at the Percussa website. More info at"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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