MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for stefan trippler

Showing posts sorted by date for query stefan trippler. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query stefan trippler. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo via Stefan Trippler. This one via


This one showcases wavetables and the new distortion.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo via Stefan Trippler: blosync2.mp3

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo via Stefan Trippler: blosync.mp3

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo from Stefan Trippler. This one showcases the wavetables.


Note that with the Blofeld you can assign an independent wavetable to each oscillator while on the microwave/XT both oscillators share the same wavetable.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Another Waldorf Blofeld demo via Stefan Trippler: tamedblo.mp3

Saturday, December 08, 2007

AntiTripplerPoison Blotch

Two more Waldorf Blofeld demos:

blotch via Stefan Trippler
AntiTripplerPoison via Boele of SCD

Wednesday, December 05, 2007


click here for another Blofeld demo by Stefan Trippler.
"Some quick filter-drive sounds from the Blofeld, rectified, clipped, sine shaped, also some squaring introduced with the modwheel, some overflow from aftertouch and, hmm, don't remember the name of the other drive curves ;) drums from Spectrasonics Stylus"

Monday, December 03, 2007


click here for another Waldorf Blofeld demo by Stefan Trippler.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

drbloexcerpt - Waldorf Blofeld Demo

A super short but good one via Stefan Trippler: drbloexcerpt.mp3

Friday, November 23, 2007

Waldorf Blofeld Demo

Via Stefan Trippler posted, on the Waldorf list: blop.mp3
Drums from Spectrasonics Stylus.

Update via jhuukson in the comments:
"Notice that Thomann has put up a date for the Blofeld. This could be a sign that the elusive Blofeld might hit the shelves for christmas."

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

DSI Prophet '08 Track - No Effects

Here is a "dry" track featuring nothing but the DSI Prophet 8 via Stefan Trippler: link

Monday, October 01, 2007

Prophet '08 Track via Stefan Trippler

and... A Native Instruments Pro-53 track:

link [4th track in the player]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

DSI Prophet '08 Demo - p8l.mp3

Title link takes you to one more via Stefan Trippler.
BTW, click on the DSI link below for all previous posts.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Prophet 8 - Dave Smith Instruments

YouTuve via Lovesign.
"A teaser video of the forthcoming Prophet 8 synthesizer from Dave Smith Instruments, courtesy of Stefan Trippler" Prophet '08

Monday, August 13, 2007

Something New from Dave Smith Instruments This Way Comes

Via David Bryce on this VSE thread. Sent my way via HarriL. And, no this is not the Boomchick developed with Roger Linn:

"This has been developed in almost complete secrecy. Only a few people know about it. This is the first time it's been mentioned publicly.

As I mentioned earlier- it ain't gonna be secret for much longer. The first run is being built right now, and will be ready for shipping next week.


The only hint as of this post is black with wood ends.

Updates in the thread (thx goes to ben of mus-ok for the tip):
"sizzlemeister wrote:
It's got to be a 5 or more voice simple Rev 4.0-like Prophet.

Basically correct.

It'll be like a PEK using the CEMs DSI uses in the Evolver, but minus EVERYTHING digital excepting patch-storage and MIDI.

Again, basically correct.

This to address the market demand for a modern, affordable analog polysynth from DSI that has 5 or more voices. So, keeping the voice architecture "simple" like a P5 with no bells and whistles allows to maintain a "lower" price-point.

Yes...but it does have some bells and whistles. We kept the sequencer, added the arpeggiator, and tacked on one or two more fun little functions.

Prophet '08. Eight voices, all analog. Shipping next week.


"It does use the same CEM chips as the Evo stuff, but they sound different because Dave tweaked them differently, and the system isn't the same without the digital stuff in the signal path.

I think you'll be surprised. I sure was...


regarding pics:
I don't have any good ones, and I believe we're waiting on the production models to take a formal one. We've all been working on hand built prototypes. I think I'm the only one who has one that has the knobs with the silver caps.... Very Happy

As far as the price point goes..$2199 MSRP, $1999 MAP.


Update (thx to Xavier for the tip in the comments):
And we have a teaser video from non other than Stefan Trippler.

And some samples:

Drums from Spectrasonics Stylus.

And one more old Style tune, all synth sounds:"

Update via Mr. Array: More samples:
"Copy the following link and paste it into your address bar:

Then change the p8a.mp3 to p8b.mp3, then p8c.mp3 and so on.

Thanks to Mr. Array for the tip."

Update: There have been quite a few more posts since this one. If you are just seeing this, click on the DSI tag below for the rest. Be sure to scroll as it will bring up all posts tagged with DSI.

Friday, July 27, 2007

DSI Evolver Demo

Title link takes you to and mp3 showcasing the filter, via Stefan Trippler.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Another Evolver Track from Stefan Trippler

I haven't posted on of Stefan Trippler's tracks in a while.
He recently sent one to the AH list. Title link takes you to the mp3.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

DSI Evolver Drumset

Evolver drums via Stefan Trippler. Title takes you to the downloads - both samples and the patches for your Evolver. Click on the images to get the patches when you get there. Here's an mp3 teaser of one set: link.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Creamware Prodyssey Demos

Some sound samples via Stefan Trippler:

"Afaik no more Prodysseys are manufactured atm, I had the luck to get one 2nd hand and have some fun with it.
with drums from Spectrasonics Stylus
some bubbling, Stylus drums too

I apologize in advance for the last one, a little waltz:

I never had the original ARP Odyssey, so I don't know how the ASB compares

Saturday, April 21, 2007

PPG In Extremo

Title link takes you to a track by Stefan Trippler done with the Waldorf PPG 2.V.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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